The Angel Diet is a meal plan that allows you to lose up to 8 kg. And quite earthly food helps in this: steaks, tomatoes, eggs, black coffee. However, the amount of food and the schedule of its intake force those who want to lose weight to demonstrate truly angelic patience and will to achieve the goal.
The Angel Diet is named after the “girls of Victoria”, models of the legendary Victoria’s Secret show. They are called angels because they are decorated with playful wings on the catwalk.
- Basic principles
Duration: 13 days (one week + menu repeat from the first to the sixth day).
Diet will do: for those who do not have breakfast, but are used to having dinner after work.
Diet is not suitable: pregnant women, lactating mothers, vegetarians, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, with diseases of the liver, heart, stomach or kidneys.
As it is: about 6 times a day, every 2,5 hours. Vitamin and protein foods should be consumed separately. Vegetables are allowed to be seasoned with olive oil. You can use no more than two tablespoons of oil daily for cooking.
What drink: The main drink should be still mineral water. And from fruit drinks, jelly and tea will need to be abandoned.
What not to eat: excludes fats and carbohydrates. For maximum results for the period of weight loss, it is necessary to completely abandon sugar, chocolate, cereals, confectionery and flour products. You can not use alcoholic beverages, mayonnaise, cream, sour cream, sauces, ketchup and salt, as well as fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Also, persimmons, potatoes, grapes, bananas and dried fruits should be excluded from the diet.
- Day 1
Breakfast – a cup of coffee without sugar
Snack – 1 apple
Lunch – 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 tomato, green salad
Dinner – grilled beef steak, green salad
- Day 2
Breakfast – a cup of coffee, whole grain toast
Snack – 1 apple
Lunch – beef steak, green salad, 1 tomato, a cup of green tea
Dinner is a portion of any soup
- Day 3
Breakfast – a cup of coffee, whole grain toast
Snack – a glass of natural yogurt
Lunch – steak, green salad, a glass of freshly squeezed juice
Dinner – 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 slices of lean ham
- Day 4
Breakfast – black coffee, whole grain toast
Snack – a handful of nuts
Lunch – steak, green salad or steamed Chinese cabbage, a cup of green tea
Dinner – 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices of ham
- Day 5
Breakfast – grated raw carrots with lemon juice
Snack – 1 banana
Lunch – grilled fish, 1 large tomato, a cup of black coffee
Dinner – steak, green salad, a glass of freshly squeezed juice
- Day 6
Breakfast – a cup of black coffee
Snack – a glass of natural yogurt, 1 banana
Lunch – chicken breast, green salad, a cup of black coffee
Dinner – steak, green salad
- Day 7
Breakfast – a cup of tea without sugar
Snack – banana
Lunch – steak, green salad
Dinner – green salad, a few slices of hard cheese.
After that, it is necessary to repeat the entire diet, but without the last day. The order of the days can be changed. You can only repeat the first three days of the 13-day diet.
Tomatoes on the angel diet menu can be replaced with carrots (and vice versa). Coffee can be replaced with green or black tea. And instead of green lettuce, you can use spinach, fresh cucumbers, green onions, asparagus, cabbage leaves.
- Interestingly
Behind the scenes of the Victoria Angels, paparazzi are often found holding green smoothies. Low-calorie vitamin blends help models recharge during breaks.