Utility bills are the most stable thing we have. They grow regularly, and you can’t get away from it. But maybe you can save money?
You can really save yourself. We have already talked about the main ways to reduce the cost of housing and communal services. And the easiest way is to save on electricity. Energy consumption depends on three main factors: the power of the appliance, its operating time and the energy efficiency class. The most economical equipment is class A, A + and higher. And the easiest way to save on electricity is to use the “champions” in energy consumption wisely.
One of the record holders for electricity consumption. Make sure that the window, for example, is not ajar when using the heater. In such a situation, all the heat generated by the heater will escape through the window. There is no need to put the heater on at night after you have gone to bed. A warm blanket will keep you warm. In addition, experts recommend sleeping in a cool room.
Air conditioning
Also one of the most energy-consuming devices. Its “gluttony” largely depends on the temperature difference outside and in the room. As in the case of a heater, when using the air conditioner, close the windows and vents, otherwise all the coolness will go out into the street, and with it your money. Keep the filter clean. If it’s not very hot outside the window, a good old fan will help you to revive yourself. The effect of using it is, of course, somewhat different. But the fan consumes much less electricity than the air conditioner. So do not rush to get rid of it, having got hold of a newfangled split system, it may still come in handy.
Electric kettle
One of the most powerful electrical appliances. A cup of freshly brewed tea is your goal? It makes no sense to boil one and a half liters of water for this – it will take more time and, accordingly, energy resources. You will be surprised, but scale also increases electricity consumption, so its timely removal will not be superfluous. Do you use a gas stove? You can also boil water on it. Buy an ordinary teapot and use it for your pleasure, without losing money.
Washing machine
Modern housewives cannot imagine everyday life without such an assistant as a washing machine. Someone plows the machine every day, someone turns it on only a couple of times a week. Basically, electricity is spent on heating water and spinning the laundry at the end of the wash. Therefore, try to choose a mode not with the hottest water. How to save money? Try to pack as many laundry items as possible, don’t keep the machine running over a pair of T-shirts. But you cannot fill the machine to the eyeballs – the consumption of electricity in this case will also increase.
“You are a woman, not a dishwasher!” – broadcasts a voice from a famous commercial. No doubt about it! But owners of dishwashers have to pay extra for electricity, unlike those who are used to washing dishes by hand. Since the process of washing dishes is carried out at a sufficiently high temperature, the arrow on the counter accelerates its run when the machine is turned on. Just as with your washing machine, try not to waste your appliances. Load your clipper with dishes as much as possible to get the most out of its work in one go. By the way, the dishwasher saves water. So it has its own benefits.
Although he “eats” electricity, but no sane person would think of abandoning its use. But you can also save on it. The refrigerator should be located away from the radiator or the stove – the power consumption will be less. It also does not need to be exposed to direct sunlight. Looking to put your freshly brewed soup in the fridge as soon as possible? Do not try. Wait until the pan is at room temperature. Also, try not to “hover” in front of an open refrigerator in search of a treat. Each time the refrigerator is opened, the compressor starts to work more intensively, respectively, more electricity is wasted. And finally, do not forget to check if the door is tightly closed.
Small but smart. Don’t be distracted by ironing: while you are chatting with a friend on the phone, the iron continues to absorb electricity. It’s better to iron more things at a time than ironing one or two each day. This way you will be able to save the energy that is consumed every time you warm up the iron.
Bonus: how else to save on electricity
1. Have you installed a multi-tariff electricity meter? Take advantage of the benefits! It will be much more profitable to start the same dishwasher after 23:00.
2. If you do not use any electrical appliance for a long time, unplug it from the outlet. While in sleep mode, the vehicle can continue to consume kilowatts.
3. Are you used to leaving your phone charger plugged in, even when your phone is not plugged in? In vain. It keeps on making the counter spin.