A very common situation – they are going to cook something, but suddenly it turns out that a single ingredient is missing for the dish. What if there is no way to run after him to the store? We spied the answers in the Cookbook of one experienced hostess.
How to replace … ..
… milk
If you have condensed milk in stock, just dilute it with water 1 to 1. Also keep a bag of milk powder at home just in case – just dilute it with water according to the instructions. Any other milk is also suitable: almond, coconut, sesame. These types of milk are healthier and can also be used as an additive to drinks such as tea or coffee.
… kefir
Kefir is easily replaced with natural yogurt or a glass of milk with a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice. Also, instead of kefir, add sour cream diluted with water to baked goods.
… yogurt
It is easy to replace yogurt with any fermented milk ingredient – sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk or sour milk – never get rid of sour milk, it can be useful for baking and desserts.
… cheese
In baking, mascarpone is often used – it is then replaced with a mixture of cream and cottage cheese, grinding it in a blender until smooth so that there are no lumps. Feta in a Greek salad can be easily exchanged for lightly salted feta cheese, and exchange expensive parmesan for any good quality hard cheese.
… condensed milk
Condensed milk is easily replaced by a portion of high-fat cream. A glass of condensed milk is equivalent to a glass of sweet cream.
… chocolate
If you need a dark chocolate bar for your recipe, replace it with a mixture of one part vegetable oil and three parts cocoa powder. It’s a good idea to stock up on cocoa powder specially designed for baking, it will help out more than once.
… white sugar
Simply add bananas or honey, blended with a blender, to sweet pastries – choose the proportions to your liking. Also, white sugar is replaced with more expensive and healthy brown or syrup (1 spoon = 1 glass of sugar), and also jam.
… vegetable oil
Vegetable oil in baked goods is not replaced by fat, as many would think. The lack of a glass of vegetable oil can make up for a glass of any fruit puree. For frying, vegetable oil is replaced with olive, animal fat, bacon and even water.
… vinegar
It is rare in any kitchen that there is no vinegar. But if suddenly the strategic reserves have come to an end, vinegar can easily replace lemon or citrus juice, as well as a spoonful of dry white wine.
… lemon juice
A teaspoon of lemon juice can be replaced with a teaspoon of dry white wine or lime juice. Half a teaspoon of vinegar is also fine. Lemon zest will replace any citrus zest or lemon extract.
As a breading, you can use a mixture of crushed bran and oatmeal. Or you can dry the bread and grind the crackers in a coffee grinder or blender.
… baking powder
Experienced housewives know that baking powder can be replaced with baking soda. For a biscuit, it must be extinguished with vinegar or lemon juice, and soda is put into shortbread dough just like that.
… starch
To thicken the sauce or soup, instead of starch, you can add flour – buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rye. For baking – wheat flour or semolina.
Successful cooking!