While aluminum is the third most abundant element on Earth, this metal is not as beneficial to the human brain.
There are many preparations on the market (eg antacids) containing aluminum. Although aluminum compounds are also found in refined foods such as processed cheeses, pancake mixes, sauce thickeners, baking powders, and candy colorings. It’s no secret that it is desirable to stick to a diet of natural products. However, if such foods are cooked in an aluminum pan, a significant amount of aluminum penetrates into them, compared to using stainless steel.
According to a study in the 1950s, it was noticed that, moreover, a dose equated to poisonous. According to the World Health Organization, .
Up to 1/5 of aluminum consumption comes from drinks. Thus, what we drink should contain no more than 4 mg of aluminum per day, which is about 5 glasses of green / black or oolong tea.
If we simply measure the amount of aluminum in tea, it turns out that two cups of tea will give twice the amount of aluminum per day. But if we measure the level of aluminum that our body has absorbed after tea, then it will remain the same. The fact is that .
Thus, although 4 cups of tea can provide us with 100% of our daily requirement for aluminum, the percentage of absorption can be less than 10. Moderate consumption of tea will not have the harmful effects associated with aluminum. However, tea is not recommended for use in children with kidney failure, as the excretion of aluminum in their body is difficult.