- Definition: what is a family crèche? How does it work?
- How much does a parental crèche cost?
- Creating a parental nursery: the time and motivation required
- First step: find motivated parents and create an association
- 2nd step: define the educational project to open a parental nursery
- 3rd step: contact the different organizations
- 4th step: find a room
- 5th step: hire staff
- Last step: obtain authorization
Definition: what is a family crèche? How does it work?
Unlike the collective crèche, the parental crèche is created and managed by a parents association. The presence of early childhood professionals is mandatory to obtain authorization to open. On the other hand, that of a doctor or a psychologist is optional. Such a structure can accommodate 16 children maximum, aged 2 months to 3 years. In addition, as in collective day nurseries, safety and hygiene standards are subject to regular checks by the PMIs.
How much does a parental crèche cost?
The price of parental nurseries is varied. Indeed, the price will depend on several factors such as the rental price of the premises of the nursery or the qualifications of the people employed. On average, we can estimate that the cost of a parental crèche is 10 euros daily per child.
Creating a parental nursery: the time and motivation required
The creation of a parental nursery requires a lot of energy, time and perseverance. Indeed, the duration of the procedures can take between one and two years. Also, keep in mind that some parents may give up along the way. It is therefore likely that your starting “team” will renew itself over the years. However, if you are really motivated, the many obstacles, especially administrative ones, that you will encounter should not discourage you.
First step: find motivated parents and create an association
The first step is to find several motivated parents to create a nursery. Initially, a group of four or five families is sufficient. Multiply contacts through classified ads in merchants, in neighborhood newspapers or on social networks. Once the parents are reunited, vou can create an association law 1901, by appointing a president, a treasurer and a secretary. Define the registered office of the association (your home, for example) and write the statutes (object of the association, resources, membership fees, operation, etc.). Quickly organize a first meeting in order to build the main lines of the project: take into account everyone’s wishes and needs in different areas (education, financial aspect, availability, etc.) and divide up the administrative tasks.
2nd step: define the educational project to open a parental nursery
You must now develop a precise educational project: what living environment do you want to offer the children? what awakening activities do you offer them?
Clearly establish the operating methods of your future nursery because for everything to go as well as possible, it is important that each parent is on the same wavelength: the hours, the educational project, the way of feeding the children, the choice activities and who does what.
In the establishment’s internal regulations, specify the opening hours and days, the financial and personal participation of the parents, the number and age of the children … Finally, establish a provisional investment budget (work and purchase of equipment) and operation of the crèche.
All these elements will help you defend your project before the General Council.
3rd step: contact the different organizations
The prefecture or sub-prefecture of your place of residence will tell you what to do and provide you with the documents to complete. Put together your file for the creation of a crèche with your first educational project, internal regulations and a provisional budget, without forgetting a summary analysis of local needs. You should also contact the doctor at the health center. Maternal and Child Protection (PMI), town hall of your home, family allowance (CAF). But above all, contact the (Association des Collectifs Enfants Parents Professionnels) which will be able to guide you throughout your steps, thanks to numerous departmental and regional relays.
Note: A parental crèche can benefit from public funding from CAF and communities.
4th step: find a room
Finding a place of welcome is of course essential. And for good reason, subsidies are only granted on this condition. To achieve this, you can contact the town hall, but also private donors. Please note, it takes between 100 and 120 m2 for sixteen children. In any case, before signing anything, plan a visit by the prefecture’s security commission and by the PMI doctor. These will determine whether the premises can be approved. They will also be able to establish an estimate for the work to be carried out. For the layout of the room, the intervention of an interior designer saves time.
5th step: hire staff
To obtain authorization to open the crèche, you must hire at least one early childhood educator or a nursery nurse, who will stay with the children constantly. The Public Health Code specifies that at least two adults must be present at all times. There must be at least one adult for 5 children who do not walk and one for 8 who walk (with a minimum of 2 adults permanently in the place). Moreover, a technical Manager (or a director) in charge of ensuring aspects related to the hygiene and safety of the group of children must be appointed. The technical responsibility will therefore be entrusted to him while the legal responsibility will be assumed by the families who also ensure the management, the administrative procedures and participate in daily life. Finally, the services of a cook or even a nurse will undoubtedly be necessary.
You can now apply for authorization to open a crèche from the President of the General Council. Once the approval has been obtained, all you have to do is sign your lease, collect your financing, fit out the premises and… open the doors of the crèche!