In which cases do we practice an IMG?
THEmedical termination of pregnancy, formerly called therapeutic abortion, is offered when the continuation of the pregnancy causes a serious risk to the mother or when the fetus has a severe physical and / or mental handicap which will make its existence difficult or its survival impossible.
On the mother’s side, these circumstances are rare, less than 5% of cases. For example, the IMG may be necessary if the woman has cancer that needs to be treated quickly with radiation therapy. On the baby’s side, the law stipulates that the interruption can be practiced if he ” there is a high probability that the unborn child will have a particularly serious condition recognized as incurable at the time of diagnosis “. It can be a chromosomal abnormality such as trisomy 21, a fetal malformation such as Spina Bifida extensive or even a genetic pathology responsible for a hereditary disease.
What is the deadline for performing an IMG?
Unlike abortion (voluntary termination of pregnancy), IMG can be performed beyond the 12th week of pregnancy. There is no predefined deadline, which allows parents to take the time they need to think and make up their minds. The decision must be taken without haste. They also have the possibility of consulting several specialists concerned (child surgeon, neuropediatrician, cardiopediatrician, geneticist, psychiatrist, etc.). Once their decision is made to terminate the pregnancy, the request for IMG is examined by two doctors, one of whom must practice in a multidisciplinary prenatal diagnosis center. When both opinions are favorable, the IMG is then decided.
How does an IMG work?
The course of an IMG depends on the stage of pregnancy.
When the IMG is performed before 24 weeks of gestation(counted from the last period), anti-progesterones are used, drugs that aim to prepare for the termination of pregnancy. 48 hours later, we induces labor by taking prostaglandins which cause the uterus to contract, then cervical dilation and expulsion.
Beyond 24 weeks of amenorrhea, the fetus can be expelled alive. It is therefore desirable to put an end to your in-utero life first. The doctor then gives an injection into the umbilical cord of the fetus through the mother’s abdomen. Then, work is initiated as described above.
Is IMG a painful act?
Physically, medical termination of pregnancy is equivalent to normal childbirth. If the woman requests it, she can have general anesthesia. The pain management method is decided during the pre-anesthesia consultation. Expulsion is carried out most of the time under epidural and does not involve any particular sequelae.
Is there a psychological care?
The fact of having ” decide Stopping the pregnancy is an extremely difficult experience for the couple. Giving birth to a dead child, especially when IMG takes place at an advanced stage of pregnancy, is trauma for the woman. Psychological support is often desirable to overcome this ordeal. It is first provided by members of the healthcare team: midwife, obstetrician, anesthetist or nursing staff. All the staff then propose, without imposing, a consultation with a psychologist to facilitate the work of mourning.
The Petite Emilie association, in particular, supports and accompanies people confronted with an IMG.