Alkalizing herbal teas

Herbal teas are obtained from the leaves, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. In taste, they can be sour or bitter, which indicates the level of their acidity and alkalinity. But once absorbed by the body, most herbal teas have an alkalizing effect. This means raising the pH of the body. A number of herbal teas have the most pronounced alkalizing effect.

Chamomile tea

With a sweet fruity flavor, chamomile flower tea has a pronounced alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effect. This plant inhibits the breakdown of arachidonic acid, the molecules of which cause inflammation. According to herbalist Bridget Mars, author of The Herbal Treatment, chamomile tea calms the nervous system, has an antibacterial effect against a number of pathogenic bacteria, including E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci.

Green tea

Unlike black tea, green tea alkalizes the body. The polyphenol contained in it fights inflammatory processes, prevents the progression of osteoarthritis. Alkaline teas also provide relief from arthritis.

Alfalfa tea

This drink, in addition to alkalization, has a high nutritional value. It is easily digested and absorbed, which makes it especially valuable for the elderly, whose digestion process is slow. Alfalfa leaves help control cholesterol levels by preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.

red clover tea

Clover has alkalizing properties, balances the nervous system. Herbalist James Green recommends red clover tea for those who are prone to inflammatory conditions, infections, and excess acidity. Red clover contains isoflavones that protect against certain types of cancer, writes the journal Gynecological Endocrinology.

Herbal teas are a delicious and healthy hot drink that is recommended for everyone not only to alkalize the body, but also for pleasure!

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