Alfadiol – action, indications, contraindications

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Alfadiol is a prescription drug with a very wide range of uses. It contains alfacalcidol, a synthetic derivative of vitamin D. Its role is primarily to absorb calcium from the digestive system and transport it to the bone tissue.

Vitamin D deficiencies they cause serious havoc in the body. Unfortunately, too little of this vitamin is found in the daily diet, and the lack of sufficient sun exposure also causes deficiencies. Therefore, supplementation becomes necessary. On an ad hoc basis, you can use a regular vitamin D supplement, but if there are serious problems with the skeleton, a drug that will help regenerate the body should be used. It is just such a drug Alfadiol.

Alfadiol indication

First of all, it is used in the case of osteoporosis, which may occur in the case of menopause in women and menopause in men. With age, the resources of vitamin D in the body are depleted, and the period of menopause additionally affects its deficiency. Age-related osteoporosis can lead to severe skeletal damage. Therefore, the drug Alfadiol especially recommended elderly people. In addition, it should be consumed if the doctor notices significant deficiencies of calcium in the blood, which is especially prone to patients with kidney diseases.

Alfadiol it is also recommended for people suffering from rickets and osteomalacia, or Bone Softening Syndrome. Too hypoparathyroidism is an indication for drug administration.

Alfadiol flyer

The active substance contained in place Alfadiol facilitates the absorption of calcium. People suffering from kidney diseases are particularly vulnerable to its deficiencies. The drug should not be used if you are allergic to the active substance. People who are allergic to peanuts and soy, and people with too high levels of magnesium or phosphorus in the blood can not take it. In order to exclude the risks associated with it, before starting the treatment, it is necessary to carry out appropriate procedures, as prescribed by a doctor Blood tests and urine. Taking the drug may lead to very high levels of calcium or phosphate in the blood serum, which can damage the kidneys. Therefore, during the treatment, it is recommended to regularly and often – twice a week – check the concentration of calcium and phosphates. If the jump is not too large, after determining the dose of the drug, the control should be carried out once a month.

Regular examinations are important to avoid unpleasant ailmentssuch as polyuria, bone fragility, constipation, muscle and joint pain, and kidney problems.

Not recommended use of the drug if you are taking heart medications containing calcium and oestrogens and medications for epilepsy at the same time. During the treatment, you should completely refrain from consuming dairy products. Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation please consult your doctor. The drug does not affect driving or operating machinery.

If you miss one doses do not double. Side Effectsdiarrhea and dizziness may occur at the beginning of taking the drug. They pass after a maximum of five days. If they do not clear up after this time, please report them to your doctor. The manufacturer of the drug Alfadiol is GaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals SA – Polska.

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