Fertility is an issue indispensably associated with masculinity. Men are responsible for 40 percent of pregnancy failures. Alcohol-abusing partners take on average twice as long to impregnate a woman, which pushes this drug to the dock, guilty of fruitless efforts to have a child.
Alcohol consumed in excessive amounts reduces the level of testosterone, and at the same time promotes erectile dysfunction. To make matters worse, it limits the absorption of zinc by the body, which is an element extremely important for fertility in men.
Sex cell sensitivity
Scientists have shown that the structure of both the egg and sperm cells is extremely sensitive and complex. Their structure is threatened by all kinds of stimulants, including alcohol and cigarettes. Leydig cells, called interstitial cells, are present in the space of the testicles, their tasks include nutritional functions and testosterone production. In the collision with the toxic effects of alcohol, testosterone in some men may be reduced, but not necessarily.
Not without significance is the fact that alcohol can cause serious damage to the DNA in sperm, which can lead to birth defects in the future offspring. The data is shocking – more than half of the children of men who regularly look into a beer mug or glass show such defects. Centers that have conducted research in Europe and America agree on the issue of very low birth weight, which negatively affects the further development of newborns.
Hops contained in beer are rich in phytoestrogens, which can significantly reduce sperm motility and destroy their DNA structure. Seemingly innocent, a daily pint of beer is able to mess up male fertility.
Direct effects of alcohol abuse
Among the most common problems caused by the abuse of drinks by men in sexual matters are:
ejaculation delay,
erectile dysfunction,
weakening of orgasm,
testicular atrophy
general decline in fertility
Excessive alcohol consumption contributes to the improper functioning of internal organs, which in turn weakens the viability and formation of sperm. Negative effects on fertility are usually long-term, so it is worth limiting the consumption of stimulants a few months before the planned conception. However, let’s not go to extremes, it is assumed that a small amount of it can positively affect the quality of sperm. It is highly probable that an occasional glass will act as an aphrodisiac, increase arousal, open you up to sexual sensations, and, above all, relieve stress.