After giving birth: all you need to know about the aftermath of childbirth

Defining Layer Sequences: What’s Happening

  • The genitals sore, but quickly recovered

During childbirth, the vagina, very flexible, widens about 10 centimeters to let the baby pass. It stays swollen and sore for two or three days, then begins to retract. After about a month, the tissues regained their tone. The sensations during sex also return quickly!

The external genitalia (labia majora and labia minora, vulva and anus) presents with edema within hours of childbirth. It is sometimes accompanied by small scratches (superficial cuts). In some women, again, a hematoma or bruise forms, which disappears after a week. Some days during which, the sitting position can be painful.

  • Episiotomy, sometimes long healing

In the 30% of women having an episiotomy (incision of the perineum to facilitate the passage of the baby), the few days following birth are often painful and painful! Indeed, the stitches tend to pull, making the genital area extremely sensitive. Thorough personal hygiene helps limit the risk of infection.

It takes approximately one month for complete healing. Some women still feel pain during sexual intercourse, up to six months after giving birth … If these ailments persist beyond, it is better to consult a midwife or a doctor.

What happens to the uterus after childbirth?

  • The uterus returns to its place

We thought we were done with the contractions, well no! From the birth of Baby, new contractions take over to expel the placenta. Called trenches, they last four to six weeks, to allow the “involution ‘of the uterus, that is to say, help it to regain its initial size and position. These contractions often go unnoticed when the first child arrives. On the other hand, after several pregnancies, they are more painful!

To know : 

If you are breastfeeding, the trenches are larger, during breastfeeding. The sucking of the nipple by the baby causes the secretion of a hormone, oxytocin, which acts mainly and effectively on the uterus.

  • Bleeding called lochia

During the fifteen days following childbirth, vaginal discharge is made up of residue from the mucous membrane, which lined your uterus. This bleeding is at first thick and profuse, then, from the fifth day, clears up. In some women, the discharge increases again around the twelfth day. This phenomenon is called the “little return of diapers“. Not to be confused with the “real” return of periods …

To monitor :

If the lochia change color or smell, we immediately consult our gynecologist! It could be an infection.

What is diaper return?

We call ‘return of diapers’ the first period after giving birth. The date of return of diapers varies depending on whether you are breastfeeding or not. In the absence of breastfeeding, it occurs between six and eight weeks after childbirth. These first periods are often heavier and longer than a normal period. To regain regular cycles, several months are necessary.

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