After disconnecting from the apparatus, the 7-year-old sang for a few more days. Her mother sentenced her to death

5 years – that was the nightmare of little Olivia Gant from the United States. It was her own mother who gave her such a cruel fate and a childhood full of suffering. And it was she who decided to end the life of the 7-year-old. She asked the doctors to disconnect the child from life support equipment. As a result, the girl was starved to death and died in agony.

  1. Olivia Gant has been hospitalized 1000 times in just five years. And all because of her mother, who told doctors that the child was ill and that no treatment was helping her
  2. The girl’s mother not only pretended that her child was sick, but also extorted a large amount of money for her treatment, which, as it turned out, was not needed. On the contrary, numerous medical procedures and huge doses of drugs only destroyed the small organism of a few-year-olds
  3. It was only after the exhumation of the child’s body that it turned out that all the diseases had been invented by her mother, who was then sentenced to 16 years in prison for abusing her daughter and causing her death inadvertently.
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In 2017, a “despairing” mother told everyone who closely followed Olivia’s fate that there was no cure for her daughter’s health problems, because she was terminally ill. But that’s not all. She told doctors that artificially keeping her daughter alive was “unfair” because her days passed without any “quality” anyway. Therefore, she explicitly demanded that the girl be disconnected from the apparatus, thanks to which she was fed intravenously, but they did not agree. Kelly Renee Turner decided to find a doctor who would allow, as she claimed, “her daughter to die in peace”. And we did it.

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The beginning of a 2-year-old’s nightmare. Her mother kept telling doctors that the baby was sick

The nightmare began when Olivia Gant was only two years old. Her mother and two sisters moved from Texas to Colorado with her. My father had to stay in his previous place of residence for work. One day Kelly Renee Turner took the baby to the hospital. At first she claimed that her daughter suffered from severe constipation, describing false symptoms. Doctors helped the girl defecate and sent her home.

The girl’s mother, however, still insisted that she was seeing disturbing symptoms in the child. She kept telling doctors that Olivia had difficulty eating and problems with proper digestion. It got to the point that a few-year-old was fed through a tube. However, according to the mother, it did not help. Ultimately, the girl was fed intravenously.

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Treatment for the disease invented by the mother devastated the organism of a few-year-olds

In five years, Olivia was hospitalized 1000 times. Instead of living in a cozy family home, she spent most of her childhood in medical facilities. Her mother regularly posted photos of the baby from the hospital bed on the web. Olivia Gant was surrounded by cuddly toys and was practically always smiling despite suffering.

The girl has undergone countless medical examinations and even major gastrointestinal surgery. In addition, she took a huge number of drugs that were not indifferent to her young body. It got to the point where Olivia was so weakened that she spent most of the time in bed. If she was moving, it was only in a wheelchair. Kelly Renee Turner told doctors that her daughter suffered not only from digestive system problems, but also developmental delay and autism. She was constantly hanging out by the child’s hospital bed.

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The slow death of a 7-year-old at the hands of her own mother. The girl died in agony

Kelly Renee Turner appealed to people to help her make her biggest dreams come true. It was not long before the reactions of kind people with a good heart. Offers of help came very quickly. Thanks to this, before her death, Olivia was able to fulfill some of her dreams: to spend one day working with policemen, then with firefighters. She also appeared on the local TV station disguised as a “bat princess”. This caught the attention of the entire United States. Overnight, Olivia became a national star appearing in the top news.

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In July 2017, Kelly Renee Turner asked the doctor to disconnect her daughter from life support equipment. The 7-year-old was then in a hospice. She died in August 2017 as a result of starvation – she was no longer fed intravenously. However, the official cause of her death was given as intestinal failure, which was supposed to be a complication of her numerous ailments. As reported by the website, after disconnecting from the apparatus, Olivia sang Disney songs, but with each passing day she did it less and less. Until one day she was completely silent.

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When the 7-year-old died, the terrifying truth came to light

It was only when there were suspicions that Kelly Renee Turner had made up her daughter’s illness that the body of the deceased was exhumed. The autopsy showed that the girl did not have any of the illnesses her mother had mentioned.

“It’s a despicable crime,” said John Kellner, the district attorney, adding that “the accused deserves years in prison”.

Lonnie Gautreau, Kelly Renee Turner’s stepfather, says his step-daughter has suffered from Münchhausen syndrome. It is a mental disorder in which most often the mother (but this may also apply to the father or other caregiver) poisons her child or persuades him into various diseases in order to be able to fulfill himself in caring for him. This often leads to real havoc in the body and psyche of the victims, and even to their death. It happens that children have to undergo even several dozen medical procedures, often completely unnecessary.

Lonnie Gautreau admits that this death could have been prevented. The grandfather of the deceased was convinced until the very end that his granddaughter was really sick, as the girl’s mother claimed. “This truth about Olivia caused such deep pain that it still saddens me every day,” said Lonnie Gautreau, quoted by The New York Times.

A year after Olivia Kelly’s death, Renee Turner brought another daughter to the doctors. She demanded medical treatment from them, which they judged unnecessary. The woman claimed that the child complained of bone pain, suggesting that he might have recurrent tumors with which she had suffered before. Doctors, however, could not find any previous diagnoses on the subject, which raised their suspicions. In addition, when they found out that one of the 43-year-old’s children had died of a “mysterious and incurable disease”, they contacted social services and the police. The girl was quickly taken from the woman. Her health was assessed as very good – the child was not ill at all.

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She gave the child a hell on earth. Now he will spend 16 years in prison

This story shocked the United States. A mother who gave her several-year-old daughter a hell on earth at the beginning of February this year. heard the verdict – she was sentenced by a court to 16 years’ imprisonment. The 43-year-old pleaded guilty to allegations of abuse of a child and of inadvertently leading him to death. 7-year-old Olivia Gant died in a hospice in 2017 after years of suffering and enduring unnecessary medical procedures. And all this at the request of her own mother.

Kelly Renee Turner was also accused of extorting money to cover her allegedly ill daughter’s medical expenses. She asked for money from charities, private individuals and even government institutions. According to the prosecutor’s office, the 43-year-old collected, or actually extorted, 22 thousand. $ 270 The money was collected through a specially created profile on the popular American GoFundMe platform.

However, it did not end there. In addition, in 2014-2018, she received over 500 more. dollars, including from Medicaid. It is a state welfare program in the United States for people and families whose income is insufficient to pay for health care.

In addition, Kelly Renee Turner forced her daughter to take part in various special media campaigns and in public appearances. Only to arouse sympathy and, as a result, extort as much money as possible. She documented her daughter’s struggle with the alleged disease on an ongoing basis, constantly posting photos of her on social media and on her blog.

“She turned Olivia into a media figure”, said prosecutors accusing the woman.

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