
General description of the disease

Substance abuse is a term that includes a person’s consumption of chemical, medical and biological substances that do not fall on the list of narcotic drugs.

Reasons for the development of substance abuse

Most of all, the development of substance abuse is influenced by the personal characteristics and characteristics of a person. Toxic addicts are often passive, not confident in themselves and their abilities, people who are easily exposed to the execution of someone else’s will. Also, infantile, mentally and emotionally unstable individuals resort to substance abuse.

Teenagers can become drug addicts because of the desire to stand out, get unforgettable sensations and emotions, because of the proof to society of their independence, permissiveness and adulthood. Most often, children from dysfunctional families and people who did not take place as a person, who did not build their family or career, begin to inhale toxic substances. Thus, they want to separate from reality and prove themselves at least in something. The low level of human development and his lack of education also leads to substance abuse.

Types and manifestations of substance abuse

Depending on the inhaled substances, substance abuse is divided into several groups.

Substance abuse from drugs

In this case, a person abuses sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antiallergic drugs and other drugs that have a sedative, sedative effect. Intoxication from such drugs is similar to ordinary alcoholic intoxication. A person has impaired movements, a sense of time, space is lost, pupils are dilated, the skin is pale, palpitations are strong, the coherence of speech is impaired, and low blood pressure. This type of substance abuse often occurs during self-medication, when the patient does not adhere to dosages or does not take medications correctly. It is very easy to die from an overdose or fall into a toxic coma. Addiction is developing rapidly. If you stop using, withdrawal symptoms appear: severe headaches occur, limbs tremble, excessive sweating, weakness appears, and the face turns red. With a long intake of any of the above means, the patient becomes unrestrained, inattentive, his memory decreases, the skin acquires a green tint, mimic wrinkles stand out strongly, skin with increased sebaceous gland secretion, a brown plaque appears on the tongue. They often suffer from insomnia (which is why they turn to therapists with a request to prescribe a specific sleeping pill that the patient is used to, but it does not work due to addiction and insomnia continues).

Substance abuse with gasoline

Inhalation of gasoline fuel provokes a strong intoxication of the body. This is due to their constituents – toluene, xylene, benzene. At the same time, the respiratory tract is greatly irritated, the sniffer is tormented by a strong cough, a sore throat. After some time (depending on the amount inhaled and the person’s immune system), the next stage begins – euphoria. With further continued inhalation of vapors, the patient develops delirium, which is accompanied by hallucinations and a delusional state. Further inhalation of such vapors negatively affects the emotional state, and then causes severe mental disorders.

Substance abuse with acetone

When it is inhaled, hallucinations appear first of all, literally after the initial deep breath of vapors.

Substance abuse with glue

The most dangerous type of substance abuse. The danger lies in the fact that in order to obtain the effect of inhaling glue vapors, it must be spread on cellophane and put on the head. In most cases, a high-powered patient cannot remove the plastic bag on his own, as a result of which suffocation occurs.

Substance abuse with solvents for nitrate paints

The last type of toxicological dependence. When these vapors are inhaled, the toxicomaniac becomes too active and mobile, often aggressively opposed to people. Substance addicts often gather in small groups to get the same experience together and see the same so-called “dreams”. Inhalation of solvent vapors can cause hallucinations, which are often confused with dreaming by drug addicts. Such dreams can be very colorful, pleasant and vivid, which is why drug addicts try to return to this state again and again. With prolonged inhalation, a state of addiction arises and dreams from harmless can turn into rather scary and terrifying.

The main symptoms of substance abuse

When any substances are inhaled, a strong hum and noise in the head appear in the head, tears begin to flow profusely, salivation increases, light dizziness appears, pupils dilate greatly, difficulties arise in making adequate decisions, concentration decreases, and a clear fogginess of consciousness is visible. Typically, the state of euphoria lasts 10 to 15 minutes. After the state of intoxication ceases, the patient develops severe headaches, vomiting, tormented by thirst, and a sugary sweetish taste remains in the mouth.

With a long inhalation of vapors of substances, a drug addict may begin to have strong psychosensory disorders, and all the sounds heard turn into an echo, any word is repeated hundreds of times. Such an echo greatly scares the addict.

In patients with a long history of substance abuse, weight begins to drop sharply, although they can eat a lot after experiencing hallucinations, nails exfoliate and break, the face becomes swollen and puffy, salty, pale, the skin looks excessively dry and flaky, teeth are affected by caries (those teeth, where the skin was in contact with the chemical), various ulcers and suppurations appear on the skin, numerous scars are visible.


Diagnosis “drug addiction»Is put in cases when the patient can no longer live without the substance taken, when he is ready to do anything to achieve the effect of euphoria. When a toxicomaniac each time increases the dose of the inhaled drug or increases the duration of inhalation. When the patient shows clear signs of a change in mental state and dependence on a particular substance is visible. These features can be separate or include all of these features.

It is extremely difficult for medical workers to diagnose substance abuse with the help of an examination, since most of the substances are removed from the body within a few hours.

Useful products for substance abuse

In case of substance abuse, you should eat foods that will help cleanse the body of radionuclides and toxins. After all, they collect in it when you inhale chemical vapors and when you consume drugs.

For this purpose, the patient needs to be given more liquid food – vegetable broths, viscous cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, and especially it is required to give more herbs (parsley, dill, spinach, sorrel, green onions and garlic feathers).

Dairy products cope well with toxins (consumption of kefir should be avoided – due to the production of alcohol).

Decoctions of viburnum, sea buckthorn, dried fruits, hawthorn are considered useful for substance abuse. They will help relieve intoxication, remove taste from the mouth, and increase immunity. Also, you should drink freshly squeezed juices from citrus and other fruits, you need to eat smoothies from berries, homemade jelly and jelly.

The patient’s diet should include all types of cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, radishes, radishes, sweet potatoes, beets and carrots. They remove radionuclides from the body.

To improve mood and calm down, give the addict vegetables, fruits and berries of a yellow, orange, red hue.

The patient’s diet must include boiled chicken eggs and dietary meat (boiled, steamed or stewed).

Also, you should add more vegetable fats to your food, rather than animal fats. Flaxseed, olive, corn, and sunflower oils are considered useful dressings for salads. Do not overlook nuts with seeds (they also contain vegetable oils).

Meals should be frequent but small. This is due to the negative effect of toxic substances on the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach should not be heavily loaded with food, especially overeating should be avoided (after euphoria, the feeling of hunger is often exacerbated in patients).

Traditional medicine for substance abuse

Treatment of substance abuse, first of all, consists in the complete exclusion from the consumption of drugs, inhalation of any chemical substances. Then they get rid of the diseases that have arisen and from mental disorders. Such treatment is carried out only on a stationary basis. Then the patient is discharged and undergoes rehabilitation at home. It should be noted that the support of relatives and friends plays an important role.

Phytotherapy are used as auxiliary methods in the main treatment. Depending on the symptom, sedatives, cleansing and detoxifying herbs are prescribed.

In case of drug overdose, in order to cleanse the stomach and induce vomiting, give ipecacuana (popularly called “vomit”), thyme, clefthoof and ram ram.

In order to remove the intoxication of the body, the patient is given to drink decoctions of dandelion, St. John’s wort, calendula flowers, milk thistle and chicory.

In order to reduce the ardor of a drug addict and calm him down, you need to take tinctures and decoctions with valerian, peony, mint, motherwort, passionflower and hops.

To increase the protective functions of the body, it is necessary to drink decoctions with peony, pink radiola, zamaniha, echinacea and eleutherococcus.

Aloe juice has long been considered a good remedy for the effects of toxic agents on the body. It relieves gag reflexes, nausea and intoxication.


It is best to prevent the disease than to treat it and get rid of the consequences. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, in schools, colleges, colleges, institutes, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations, in which all the negative consequences of substance abuse were described. It is best to involve former patients with substance abuse – they will tell in more detail, more colorfully everything that they had to endure, with what problems and diseases they had to fight. These conversations should be regular and widespread.

You should also take your health seriously and with insomnia, before taking sleeping pills or sedatives, contact a specialist, and not self-medicate.

Dangerous and harmful products for substance abuse

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • coffee, strongly brewed tea;
  • spicy, fatty, too salty, fried, smoked foods;
  • tobacco;
  • kefir;
  • fast food, instant food, semi-finished products, products with any additives and dyes;
  • butter and puff pastry;
  • mushrooms;
  • energetic drinks;
  • vinegar, store pickles;
  • pastry cream, margarine.

These products prevent the elimination of toxins from the body, but only provoke the accumulation of toxins and contribute to the appearance of blood clots, which significantly impairs the work of the cardiovascular system. Such conditions of the body are especially dangerous in case of substance abuse. The body already suffers from toxins that enter through the vapors that the skin absorbs. Eating unhealthy and non-living food will only aggravate the condition.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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