Acute otitis media – Our ENT opinion
As part of its quality approach, Passeportsanté.net invites you to discover the opinion of a health professional. Dr Dominique Bovard-Gouffrant, ENT gives you his opinion on acute otitis media.
“Nasopharyngeal infections and acute otitis media constitute an almost unavoidable stage in the development of the child. The days of all antibiotics in AOM are over, and their prescription is not systematic. On the condition, however, of monitoring the sick child to reassess the situation after 2 to 3 days, antibiotics being necessary if the situation does not improve or worsens in order to avoid complications. Knowing the essential role that hearing plays in the acquisition of language and the development of the child, it must be monitored and controlled in the slightest doubt, especially in cases of recurrent acute otitis media or ear infections. seromucosal (OSM) ‘ Dr Dominique Bovard-Gouffrant, ENT |