What could be better than fresh fruit juice when you’re thirsty. Homemade fruit juice allows you to combine fruits and vegetables in your glass according to your taste, but in addition, it is healthy and natural.
To combine business with pleasure, it is important to know the nutrients in your fruits and vegetables for juice.
ACE juice is one of the best fruit juices both for taste and for the body. It refers to juices that combine vitamins A, C and E.
What are the activities of each vitamin in your body and what are their actions when combined in the body.
Vitamins in ACE juice
Vitamin A or provitamin A
Plants containing provitamin A
Vitamin A exists only in foods of animal origin (liver, meat, dairy products).
As for plants, they contain provitamin A (Beta carotene). It is a vitamin that the body transforms in the body into vitamin A (1) after consuming foods rich in provitamin A.
Beta-carotene is found in good amounts in the following plants: carrot, turnip, garlic, parsley, dandelion, apricot, celery, lettuce, red cabbage, escarole, spinach …
Role of vitamin A
- Vitamin A is the nutrient that is the basis for the formation of body tissues. It is also involved in the protection of the epidermis. It restores damaged tissue. In addition, vitamin A allows the renewal of skin tissues and good healing of the skin.
- This vitamin plays an important role in the synthesis of certain hormones (progesterone for example)
- Vitamin A is involved in the functions of the eye
- It is necessary for bone growth
- It is an essential element in the growth of the bronchi, intestines
Vitamin A requirements
A deficiency in vitamin A manifests itself among other things by a decrease in night vision, dryness of the skin, conjunctivitis, hypersensitivity to infections. Adults need these daily doses of vitamin A:
- 2400 UI for women
- 3400 IU for men
Vitamin C
Plants containing vitamin C
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is involved in almost all of the body’s functions (2). However, it cannot be manufactured by the body. This vitamin is found in several fruits and vegetables.
Absorbed in the body, it passes into the blood after its synthesis. It is then diffused to all the organs of the body. The body does not store vitamin C, the excess is eliminated through the urine in the form of oxalic acid. Below are the plants that concentrate the most vitamin C:
- Crucifers (cauliflower, Brussels cabbage, red cabbage, turnip …)
- Fresh parsley,
- The kiwis,
- Citrus fruits (orange, clementine, lemon)
- Black radish,
- The pepper,
- Broccoli,
- L’acerola…
The role of vitamin C
Vitamin C is transformed in the body into an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is involved in humans:
- In the synthesis of different enzymes and in several reactions in the body
- In immune function to protect organs from infections
- In the destruction of free radicals thanks to its antioxidant action
- In the protection and repair of body tissues with the action of other vitamins
- In building up energy in the body
- In the prevention against the formation of cancer cells and their destruction
- In antimicrobial and antibacterial actions in the body
Vitamin C requirements
Vitamin C requirements are:
- 100 mg / day in adults
- 120 in pregnant women
- 130 in breastfeeding women
The lack of vitamin C promotes the degradation of the immune system. The body becomes the gateway for infections and bacteria. An increased lack of vitamin C leads to scurvy.
To read: Our best detox juices
Vitamin E
Plants containing vitamin E
Vitamin E is a collection of fat soluble vitamins in water (3). It does not exist in the body. It is through the food we consume that we provide our body with its dose of vitamin E.
This vitamin is ingested in the intestines thanks to the presence of fats. It crosses the intestinal wall and ends up in the liver. It is then directed to the blood. Vitamin E is an antioxidant found in:
- The seeds (sunflower, hazelnuts, almonds including the skin.)
- Vegetable oils (sunflower oil, olive oil, peanut oil, palm oil, rapeseed oil, wheat germ oil)
- Oil fruits (peanuts, avocados)
- Germs
- Vegetables (spinach)
The role of vitamin E
- Vitamin E works synergistically with other vitamins to protect the immune system
- It is involved in the conservation of polyunsaturated fatty acids
- It is probably involved in the prevention and protection against degenerative diseases. It acts against oxidative phenomena in the body
- This vitamin is involved in the modulation of anti-inflammatory processes
- It protects cells from oxidative stress
Vitamin E requirements
Vitamin E is stored in muscles and fatty tissue. You don’t need a daily intake of vitamin E.
Vitamin E deficiency leads to the loss of certain reflexes, retinopathy pigmentosa (genetic dysfunctions that create vision disturbances, including blindness), instability of gait.
To read: Pomegranate juice, why should you drink it often?
The benefits of ACE juice
The interest in making fruit juices that combine the different vitamins A, C and E lies on several levels (4):
- The nutrients in different foods work better in combination with other nutrients than if they were eaten individually
- Certain nutrients exist in one food and not in the other, so there is a complementarity between the nutrients when you consume different fruits and vegetables through a juice.
This is why specialists recommend consuming 5 different fruits and vegetables per day.
- Varying the fruits and vegetables will help you avoid monotony.
- You will be healthier because you offer your body several nutrients in the same glass through these fruit cocktails.

To read: beet juice, a cocktail of vitamins
ACE juice recipes
ACE juice refers to the cocktail of orange, carrot and lemon. This is the first version of ACE juice.
But since you and I know which fruits and vegetables are the vitamins A, C and E, we will make fruit cocktails containing the ACE vitamins for a better variety of juices and a greater supply of nutrients.
Original ACE recipe (carrot, orange, lemon)
You will need:
- 4 carrots
- 4 oranges
- 1 lemon
- Wash and clean your carrots
- Clean your oranges and lemon
- Put it all in your machine
When your juice is ready, you can add ice cubes or refrigerate it.
Nutritional value
Beta carotene has an antioxidant action in the body when it synergizes with vitamins C, E
ACE juice my way
You will need:
- 3 apricots
- 4 clementines
- 1 / 2 lawyer
- Wash and stone your apricots, then slice them
- Clean your clementines
- Clean up your avocado, pit it
- Put everything in the blender
- Your smoothie is ready
Nutritional value
Your juice contains ACE vitamins and more.
ACE juice allows you to fill up with vitamins in a glass. Like any fruit juice, it makes it easier for you to consume several fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Remember that beyond the carrot, lemon and orange, you can make ACE juice combinations yourself, the main thing being to combine these different vitamins.
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