Accelerating eyelash growth with home remedies. Video
Not a single man can resist a charming look from under long fluffy eyelashes, which is why women by any known means try to lengthen their eyelashes. You can achieve the desired result at home using proven folk remedies.
Accelerating eyelash growth
Oil blends for fast eyelash growth at home
To prepare a cosmetic mixture, you need to take 15 drops of burdock (if desired, you can replace it with sea buckthorn) and castor oil, as well as 2-3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins E and A, and then mix these components well. Then the bottle from under the old mascara is thoroughly washed and filled with the prepared butter cocktail. This mask is applied to the eyelashes in the evening (after removing the makeup) and left for 23-25 minutes, then the oil residues are removed with a cotton swab.
The mask must be applied very carefully: the oil solution should in no case get on the mucous membrane of the eyes
In addition, for the growth of eyelashes, you can prepare such a remedy: almond, olive, burdock and castor oil are taken in equal parts and mixed. Then the solution is enriched with a small amount of fish oil and a few drops of vitamin E. This composition is applied to the eyelashes in the evening after removing the makeup, and after 13-15 minutes the residues of the product are removed. The treatment course is 2–2,5 months.
Masks to accelerate the growth of eyelashes based on aloe
The recipe is as follows: 1 tsp. aloe juice should be mixed with 1 tbsp. castor oil and a few drops of oily vitamin A. The resulting nutritional mixture should be gently applied to the eyelashes and left for 10-13 minutes. After the remnants of the mask are removed with cotton swabs.
And at home, you can prepare a nourishing agent for eyelashes: you need to take aloe juice, castor oil and parsley chopped into gruel (1: 1: 1 ratio) and mix. The resulting gruel is insisted for a day and only then is it used. The composition is applied to the eyelashes and skin of the eyelids for 10 minutes, and then washed off.
The rest of the product can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed glass container for 3 days.
Herbal compresses for eyelash enlargement
Chamomile infusion or cornflower infusion will help relieve tired eye syndrome and accelerate the growth of eyelashes. To prepare this cosmetic product, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers or cornflowers and pour a glass of boiling water. After 24 hours, the solution is filtered. Then they take cotton pads, moisten them in the infusion and make a compress. After 17–20 minutes, the discs are removed.
A mixture consisting of a decoction of calendula, brewed black tea and a decoction of cornflower also magically acts on the eyelashes (the components must be taken in equal proportions). Cotton pads are moistened in the prepared product and put on the eyelids, and after 13-15 minutes they are removed.
Also interesting to read: mashed potatoes for a child.