Natural products prepared according to all the rules from environmentally friendly raw materials, by definition, cannot harm. And such a familiar lard, even a small piece of which will warm you after a winter walk better than a hot shower, is useful not only for raising the mood from excellent taste, but also for many systems and functions of the human body.
How to choose the right lard
Speaking of benefits, I mean exceptionally fresh lard, ideally salted or pickled, because smoked, boiled and, moreover, fried lard has already lost most of its beneficial properties during heat treatment.
When choosing lard on the market, take a closer look at the elderly ladies – they do not taste lard, but pinch off a small piece with their fingers. The correct fat should be soft, then it will be easy to do this. In no case should you buy fat, yellow in color, as well as a product that even has a slight stale smell.
Useful properties of lard
The main rule that you need to listen to is that you need to use lard in moderation, excessive enthusiasm for this product will negate all the benefits.
So, lard is good for:
- Works of the cardiovascular system. In its chemical composition, fat contains youth vitamins A and E, as well as a unique arachidonic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes the intercellular membranes more elastic. Lecithin is responsible for the well-coordinated work of the heart and blood vessels.
- Energy replenishment. Lard is a real energy “bomb”, because its calorie content is quite high. But, we repeat, in moderation, eaten lard will give odds to many products in terms of energy received.
- Strengthening the immune system. Essential amino acids, which are supplied by lard, are responsible for the production of proteins, which are the building blocks of cells. Renewed and strengthened cells better protect the body from external infections.
- Stimulating brain activity. With excessive mental activity, lecithin contained in fat will help to activate brain cells.
- Increasing potency. The duet of vitamin F and selenium in fat has an excellent effect on the sexual activity of the male population, increasing potency and increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.
- Reducing cholesterol levels. Lard promotes the disappearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. A few pieces of lard, especially with mustard, will cause cholesterol metabolism to take place at an accelerated rate.
- Cleansing the liver. The choleretic property of fat has been proven for a long time, the liver, without being subjected to aggressive methods, is gently cleansed.
- Prevention of alcohol poisoning. Simply put – eating lard on strong alcoholic drinks, you reduce the risk of intoxication at times. Fat envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents alcohol from being instantly absorbed into the blood. That is why it makes sense to eat a little lard before the feast.
- Slimness. Fat-soluble vitamins contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, which is directly related to the loss of extra pounds.
Scientists believe that it is best to consume a few slices of bacon in the morning, for example, in the second breakfast. Thus, the body will receive maximum energy and nutrients.