The habit of eating spirits with a piece of jellied meat goes back more than one century, it makes a lot of sense – the jelly-like structure of the dish contributes to the fact that the walls of the stomach are enveloped in a film that prevents the instant absorption of alcohol, so the process of “aggravation” proceeds with the least amount of losses. So the harmful cholesterol found in jellied meat, especially made from pork, works for the good of the body.
Useful substances in the composition of jellied meat
- The most famous substance found in jellied meat is, of course, collagen. A special type of protein obtained by boiling bones, mussels and other ingredients of jellied meat. Collagen is the main building block of any connective tissue, especially cartilage, which tends to wear off with age. Skin elasticity, absence or reduction of wrinkles and scars, healthy joints – this is not a complete list of what collagen is responsible for. Expensive and painful collagen filling procedures can be easily replaced by eating delicious jellied meat.
- Hemopoiesis and the process of hemoglobin formation is impossible without the presence of B vitamins in the body, which are fully represented in any type of aspic.
- In old age, joint mobility decreases, problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially osteoporosis in women, cause a lot of trouble. Gelatin, found in large quantities in jellied meat, is responsible for improving the amortization of joints, significantly reducing pain.
- The antioxidant Retinol is actively involved in the process of strengthening the immune system, and also removes harmful radicals from the body.
- Aspic contains two amino acids important for vital activity – lysine and glycine. The former assists in the absorption of calcium and has antiviral properties, while glycine normalizes the functioning of the brain, is a proven remedy for many diseases of the nervous system, stimulates brain activity and reduces emotional stress.
Additional benefits of aspic
Little known are the facts proving the beneficial effect that jellied meat has, like any similar dish – brawn, jelly, on hair growth and body recovery after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It has been noticed that small children with not too thick scalp, eating jellied meat, acquire beautiful hair over time. Many patients of cancer centers, after undergoing painful chemotherapy procedures, have an irresistible desire to eat as much jellied meat as possible, even without meat and salt, but only a decoction of bones and cartilage.
How to reduce the harm of aspic
The calorie content of the dish can be reduced by combining traditional pork with lean beef or chicken breast, as well as by removing the fat both during cooking and after the dish has solidified. Mandatory seasonings – horseradish and especially mustard, have the beneficial property of breaking down cholesterol, so if you use jellied meat in moderation, and ideally as a separate dish, for example for dinner, your body will gain nothing but benefits.