The young woman did not immediately understand that the baby was her own son.
Amanda da Silva, 28, was admitted to the hospital in her 37th week of pregnancy. The woman was unconscious. As the doctors found out, she quarreled with her husband, and the quarrel provoked an epileptic seizure. It was impossible to wait, because of the convulsions, the child felt a lack of oxygen. I had to do a cesarean. The third child of Mr. and Mrs. da Silva was born – a boy who was named Victor. He was very small, only two kilograms. He had problems with his immune system and breathing – side effects of the medication his mom was taking. Therefore, the baby was sent to the intensive care unit for infants. There Victor quickly recovered. But his mother after anesthesia did not come to her senses. She fell into a coma.
Amanda didn’t react to anything, didn’t open her eyes. Doctors gradually reduced the dose of sedatives that helped to stop the epileptic seizure. But the young mother did not react to external stimuli.
“All tests said she was okay, but she didn’t move. Her body did not respond to pain stimuli despite normal brain activity. It was as if she didn’t want to come back to life ”, –
Soon, Amanda was to be sent to a specialized hospital for people like her – practically vegetables. And then one of the nurses offered to let the young mother hold her son. Of course, Amanda herself could not keep the child. She didn’t know he was there at all. The nurse had to help her. What happened immediately after amazed everyone present to tears.
“They touched skin to skin, and Amanda immediately burst into tears. Her heart rate quickened, milk surged. Tears just streamed down her cheeks. These tears – they were like a cry, which meant that she was still here, she wants to live, – said the nurse. “We all burst into tears, we cried with the whole team with happiness and relief.”
“The first thing I remember is Victor in my arms, I see his little head, and he smells so amazing,” Amanda herself later recalled. – I asked if it was my child. I couldn’t believe it. When I touched my belly, I realized that I was no longer pregnant. So he’s really mine! “
Amanda was in a coma for 23 days. Who knows how it all would have ended if not for the quick wits of the midwife. It took the woman almost three more weeks to finally recover. Now this large family is doing well.
“You should never underestimate the importance of mother-child contact,” the nurse said at last. And it is impossible not to agree with her.