10 things pregnant women will only learn about in the 2nd trimester

10 things pregnant women will only learn about in the 2nd trimester

These weeks are the most wonderful while waiting for the baby.

The first trimester can bring a lot of worries and ailments: this is toxicosis, and hormonal swings, and the search for the “very” gynecologist, and the understanding that life will never be the same again. The third trimester can also be difficult – swelling suffers, it becomes difficult to sleep, walk and generally move, back hurts due to the grown abdomen. At this time, pregnant women are already waiting for it, when the child is already going to be born. And the second trimester, which lasts from the 14th to the 26th week, is the most serene time. At this time, changes take place, which become a revelation for the expectant mother.

1. Toxicosis is not eternal

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then we forget about the morning (or even round-the-clock) nausea just in time for the second trimester. Finally, it ceases to rock when walking, foreign smells no longer cause the desire to close in the toilet, soothing the stomach writhing in convulsions. You will want to eat again (the main thing here is not to succumb to persuasion to eat for two) and you will even get a sincere pleasure from food. And not as before – to chew, just so as not to feel sick.

2. A woman glows – this is not a joke

Due to hormonal games in the first trimester, the skin often deteriorates. In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of the rash until the very birth. But usually the storm in the body dies down by the second trimester, and then the time comes when a pregnant woman literally glows. The skin begins to literally glow – hormonal changes can seriously improve its condition. In addition, in the second trimester, walking is already more enjoyable due to improved well-being. And this also has a beneficial effect on the complexion.

3. The kid is becoming more active

The expectant mother will feel the first movements of the baby at about 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. And over time, there will only be more of them: the baby is actively moving, sometimes even communicating with his mother, reacting to her touch. The sensations are unforgettable – you will smile at the thought of them, even when the “baby” is already over 20. Later, at 8-9 months, the child is no longer moving so actively – he becomes too big, there is not enough space for him to move. In addition, these movements will bring not only joy, but also real pain. You will not immediately forget the sensations when a child’s heel enters the bladder with a swing.

4. Attention is getting more

From anyone, even strangers on the street. After all, a pregnant woman attracts attention simply by virtue of her position – you can’t hide her tummy. True, sometimes discoveries are not very pleasant. For example, in transport, people do their best to pretend that they cannot see a pregnant woman point-blank. And if you still ask to give up your seat, then you can run into a stream of indignation: they say, you had to think before, and in general, buy a car. But there may be pleasant moments – somewhere the line will give way, somewhere they will help to carry the bag, somewhere they will simply say a compliment.

5. The dangerous period is over

During pregnancy, there are especially dangerous weeks when the threat of miscarriage is increased, when any infection or stress transferred can affect the baby. But the second trimester is a resting time. Of course, you need to be careful. But now the baby is safe, he is growing and developing, and the likelihood of miscarriage is minimal.

6. More strength appears

In the first trimester, eternal sleepiness makes the expectant mother look like a sleepy fly. You want to lie down all the time, and you can right here, in the office, under the desk. Such fatigue haunts all the time that the floor in the office seems warm, soft and inviting. And then he gets sick … In the second trimester, the situation changes radically. Expectant mothers often become incredibly active and energetic, capable of real feats.

7. Breasts are poured

This item is especially liked by those who, before pregnancy, were the owner of a solid one, or even zero. Thanks to hormones, the breasts are filling, growing – and now you are proudly wearing the third size. It is important to buy the right bra on time: wide straps, natural fabric and no bones. Otherwise, all this beauty reverberates with back pain and sagging skin.   

8. Time to build a nest

The nesting instinct at this time is intensified to the point of impossibility. But you also do not need to restrain him: buy a dowry for the baby, equip the nursery. Later it will be harder, and time is short. In the meantime, there is strength – see point 6 – it’s time to spend it on shopping. And don’t be afraid to buy baby items in advance. There is no real danger in this – pure prejudice.

9. You will find out the sex of the child

If you want, of course. An ultrasound scan carried out at this time will dot all the e’s. And how many pleasant prospects open up here: you can finally finally choose a name, and order personalized things for the baby, and decide on flowers for children’s things and a room – if this is important to you. And by all means arrange a baby shower!

10. The best time for a photo shoot

“I recommend filming from the 26th to the 34th week: the tummy has already grown, but not too big and until the edema appears, which almost all pregnant women have in the last stages,” advises photographer Katerina Vestis. According to the expert, it is easier to transfer the photo session at this time. After all, it is far from easy: it is beautiful to sit on the sofa in the studio.  

“To sit beautifully on a chair, you need to bend your back, stretch your neck, strain your toes and so“ hang ”for a few seconds, or even minutes. It only seems easy from the outside, ”says Katerina.

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