A guide on how to bleach plastic on a refrigerator

A guide on how to bleach plastic on a refrigerator

What to prepare for cleaning plastic

How to bleach yellowed plastic

After cleaning the plastic, you can start the process of bleaching it using one of the proposed methods:

– The most gentle method is cleaning with laundry soap. However, it will help if the plastic has turned yellow as a result of the accumulation of fat. To do this, rub the soap on a fine grater, dissolve in water and treat the contaminated surface with a solution.

– The easiest way is to apply any chlorine-containing detergent to the plastic overnight. In the morning it is washed off with water.

– Mix technical soda with washing powder in equal proportions. The mixture is dissolved in a liter of water. The resulting solution is applied to plastic or removable parts are soaked in it. After a few hours, the bleached parts of the refrigerator are rinsed with water.

– Perhydrol solution applied to plastic helps to remove ugly yellowness. This is the most aggressive cleaning method.

– No less effective is the use of acetone to clear yellowness. However, you should be careful, as this substance is capable of dissolving some types of plastic. If the material has withstood the test in a small area, slightly dampen the cloth and wipe the plastic with a quick motion. Avoid smudges.

– Alcohol has a similar effect. This solvent is also best tested in an inconspicuous area.

– There are ready-made aerosols and sprays on sale that return the plastic to its previous appearance. In addition, they additionally cover it with an anti-static film.

Use gloves to remove any yellowness from the refrigerator. This will protect the skin from the harmful effects of solvents.

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