Parents always strive to give their children the best, to teach them important and necessary things. And as you know, you should start small. Bringing cleanliness and order to the house is just such a case. When can I introduce my child to cleaning? How to do it correctly? What mistakes can ruin the business? Practical tips are shared by an expert in the field of easy and safe cleaning — the manufacturer of eco-friendly home products Synergetic.
Role model
You can tell your baby as much as you want about how important it is to clean up and maintain order. But if a real chaos spontaneously arises in the house, all these admonitions will be in vain. Nothing has yet been invented that is more effective and more understandable than a personal example. Why not become a role model for your own child? Especially since all children love to repeat after adults.
Only this rule should apply to all households without exception. If the kid sees someone calmly putting a dirty plate in the sink and leaving, then he will willingly use this pattern of behavior. At first, you can distribute your homework. For example, make a schedule for washing dishes. So the child will learn well that each member of the family has its own responsibilities and they need to be fulfilled.
Game theory in action
It is no secret that the child perceives the world around him as an endless exciting game. And he is not averse to participating in it. That is why it is possible and necessary to teach children to clean in a playful way at the age of 2-3 years.
The easiest thing to do is to take care of the toys scattered around the room. For clarity, it is best to sort them into different containers: put the cubes in one, plastic fruits and vegetables in another, soft toys in the third, etc.Explain to your child that this is a new game and its goal is to properly and beautifully arrange the items in the boxes. First, prompt and help your child sort things, and when he understands the principle, give him complete freedom of action and control the process from the outside.
First-hand help
Psychologists believe that even the youngest children are happy to help their parents. The main thing is to make it clear to the child that his participation in the case is very important for you, and his help is pleasant and invaluable. If you like, this is how the child wins his first small victories in life, learns to be an adult and independent.
Alternatively, you can ask him to remove the dishes from the table after dinner or instruct him to wash his plate with a mug. And you can also offer the child to wipe the floors together. Find a small mop for him, select a separate rag, and find small rubber gloves. Such an inventory will only spur interest in your venture. As practice shows, children enthusiastically try everything new and unknown. In addition, the training is more productive when the child is interested.
The right tools
Take care of high-quality and safe cleaning products in advance. Agree, everything should be real. If you are going to arrange a master class on washing dishes, it is better to take a proven hypoallergenic product without any aggressive chemicals.
In this regard, Synergetic dish washing gels are an ideal choice. They are made from natural ingredients, do not contain toxins and other dangerous additives. They can safely wash even vegetables and fruits. At the same time, they perfectly cope with persistent fat and complex contaminants, even in cold water. And thanks to glycerin, this gel moisturizes and gently protects sensitive baby skin. But the most important thing is that it is an environmentally friendly product that does not pose any threat to health.
Scheduled Feat
Starting from the age of 5-7, you can move on to complex tasks. No matter how routine it may seem to make lists of important things, this technique works flawlessly.
On the eve of the day when you will have a big cleaning in the house, make a list of personal tasks together with your child. It may look something like this: make the bed, remove the toys, collect small garbage, wipe the dust, water the flowers. Hang the list in a prominent place, and let the child cross out all the items with a sense of accomplishment after cleaning. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will no longer need lists.
Just do not burden the child with a large number of various tasks. If he realizes that he is being asked to do something impossible, he will quickly lose interest in cleaning and may even start something like a riot.
Pure Psychology
When introducing children to cleaning, it is important not to overdo it. Do not give too complex and painstaking tasks. Do not expect that the child will immediately get used to the vacuum cleaner or will polish the floors to a shine. Let him perform the tasks as it is most convenient for him. Even if you have to redo almost everything behind it.
In no case should you criticize the work if something is done wrong. To go on shouting and even more so laughing at failures is the worst thing you can do. So you will once and for all instill in your child a persistent aversion to cleaning. And at the same time, prepare a fertile ground for complexes. It is best to calmly show how to perform a particular task correctly. And don’t let compassionate grandparents do things out of a sense of compassion that their grandchildren couldn’t handle the first time.
The word works wonders
Encouraging a child to work is an ambiguous and insidious topic. You should not reduce everything to material rewards for conscientiously completed tasks. More than doubtful ultimatums like “until you clean the room, you will not get a chocolate bar”. They have a detrimental effect on the child’s psyche.
It is much more reasonable to resort to the game form again. For example, you can periodically arrange family cleaning championships. Kids will be happy to receive a symbolic medal with the inscription “Hero of Purity”. But remember, words mean a lot more in this case. It is important for a child to know that he is doing everything right and that his parents are proud of him. Therefore, praise the children more often, thank them for their help, and remind them that it should be mutual.
Caring for others
Often, pets help to cultivate a love of cleanliness and order in children. Cleaning the cage of your favorite hamster or changing the filler in the cat’s toilet is a task that is quite capable of any child. It is important that he does not perceive this as “dirty” work or punishment for a crime. On the contrary, by doing so, you will teach him that any work around the house is important and useful.
It will be great if the child learns from an early age to take care of those who really need it. There is an important educational moment in this. So he can feel what his parents feel when they are once again forced to clean up after him. Isn’t this a way to teach you to truly appreciate the work of others?
Instilling a healthy craving for cleanliness and order in a child is a matter of technique, patience and a competent approach. The main thing is not to expect that everything will happen by itself, and to pay due attention to the education of future assistants. You will achieve success in this together with modern natural cleaning products Synergetic. After all, learning household duties should be not only interesting, but also comfortable and safe.