Bad mood and another 5 signs of excess protein in the diet

Too much protein is as harmful to the body as its shortage. On what grounds can be suspected that protein should be reduced in your daily diet?


Excess protein in the diet creates a strain on the kidneys. For their hard work require additional moisture. Uncontrollable thirst is a clear indication that the protein gets into the body too much.

Digestive problems

When an excess of protein digestive system begins to work in emergency mode. A large amount of protein leaves no place for a man to dietary fiber and carbohydrates. The intestinal flora suffers, the body loses prebiotics for its normalization. There are such unpleasant symptoms as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, intestinal colic. Be sure to add to your diet vegetables, grains, and dairy products.

Bad mood and another 5 signs of excess protein in the diet

Bad mood

High-protein low-carb diet affects mood and health. Such a long diet can appear irritability, anxiety, fatigue, and depression. Protein affects intestinal function, and lack of carbohydrates affect the production of the hormone serotonin – it is not enough. Cereals and fruits for Breakfast will help to rectify the situation.

Weight gain

A large amount of protein should affect the reduction of excess weight. But as a drawback, the overabundance of protein only leads to weight gain. For effective weight loss in the human diet must contain carbohydrates.

Bad mood and another 5 signs of excess protein in the diet


With a shortage of carbohydrates is the process of ketosis. The body spends too much energy to process protein, which he takes from the reserves of carbohydrates in the body. This condition is dangerous for people with a history of such diseases, such as diabetes.

Hormonal failure

A low-carb diet and excess protein affect the metabolism, there are sharp burning fat reserves and as a result, hormonal disruption and absence of menstruation in women. For women, the fat level must reach a certain level to maintain hormones in order to fulfil the reproductive function.

More about extra protein in the diet watch in the video below:

What Happens When You Eat Too Much Protein

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