“Of all the TV series on TNT, I only have to film in Real Boys and Fizruk,” says Lolita Bunyaeva from Chelyabinsk. In the life of the Chelyabinsk model, who dreamed of becoming an actress, a miracle happened – now she is being torn apart by offers to appear in TV series. How it was, read further on Woman’s Day.
“It’s even hard to believe now that it all started so recently – in May 2014. I graduated from SUSU with a degree in advertising, worked as a model and dreamed of becoming an actress. But I had no acting education, no connections, so I sent out my questionnaires to all the Moscow agencies that I could find. I once celebrated my 22nd birthday with friends. Suddenly at midnight there was a call from TNT! They were waiting for me – already the next day! – on the set of a new show! I quickly packed up, my friends took me to the plane.
I was to act in an episode with Timur “Kashtan” Batrudinov. On the set, I realized that I had poisoned myself with a birthday cake. Sad Batrudinov was sitting in the dressing room – he, too, had poisoned himself with something stale. I offered him my medicine and he said: “Today you will be my doctor!” Timur turned out to be a simple man: such a good-natured and cute! “
“After meeting the foremen – agents who are looking for supporting actors, I was invited to the TV series Interns. The role was tiny, but the impressions – the sea! The episode will be shown this season of Interns on TNT. Interns are a team that can be called a family. The director treats us like children. During filming, he could come running from the playback – this is a room that is very far from the set – because he thought I was worried. And start to console me: “What are you worried about, here’s some water for you!” We had an episode with Romanenko – Ilya Glinnikov. We struck up friendly relations on the set, we talked a couple of times after filming.
From the dorm to the mansion
My next role was in the TV series “Univer. New hostel “. In the new season, I played the “love of my life” character Pavel Bessonov. I would like to stay in the series further, so we hinted to the writers that we want to finish my role. I also starred in an episode of the series “SASHATANYA” – I really liked Tanya, she is small and cute! “
“Now I live in the suburbs. I work as a model, constantly go to auditions – both modeling and shooting. Many do not believe me, they think that I got to TNT by pull. But I was just sending out a resume. Everyone who has a dream should not be afraid to go for it – anything is possible! When I just started filming, TNT actors warned that it would be difficult to live in Moscow and, if it was really, really hard for me, I could turn to them for help. It wasn’t really hard yet. Although Moscow is exhausting. I sleep a little, sometimes 2-3 hours a day. All the time is spent on the road due to traffic jams and distances. There are also a lot of people here, both in the subway and on the streets. Sometimes the crowd just blows away. You get tired of this more than of anything else. You also have to run everywhere in the literal sense, because otherwise you will not have time to go anywhere.
Lolita Self Care Tips For An Aspiring Actress or Model
“I really love to eat, so I relieve stress. If I limited myself to food, I would probably go nuts. The only thing I don’t eat is bread. But I love pies, cookies and other pastries. It is difficult to stick to a healthy diet in Moscow. If you left the house with a bunch of money and went to eat in a cafe, there will be no money right away. In the canteens on set, that’s where the good food is. I also arrange fasting days – I sit for one day on apples or on kefir. “
The gym
“I go to gym. I am engaged not only for appearance, but I for health. I run there in the evening, study for one and a half to two hours and go to bed. I have a 21st century dream – to pump up the ass. So I mostly do squats, weighted leg raises and leg raises. I also do jogging, because, as I said, there is nowhere in Moscow without running. In fact, I have been involved in sports all my life: from the 1st to the 9th grade – ballroom dancing, and then swimming. This is probably why I have a good figure. “
“Before, I was very fond of tanning salons, so my skin was very dark, although by nature it was rather dark. Now I am for a healthy lifestyle, so I walk as I am. If I need to tan for filming, I do an express tan. “
“I worked as a teacher at a model school in Chelyabinsk. And I always told my girls: it is not necessary that you have a height of 180 and ideal parameters. The main thing is to know your perspective, to know how to photograph you. Much depends on the type, but not everything. For example, I recently participated in design shows. At first they did not want to take me: they needed a stern, rigid gait, but I had a feminine one. I am a brunette – and I needed a blonde. At the end of the casting, when the girls have already been recruited, I suddenly hear from the organizers: “We don’t know why, but we take you.”
The main thing is the angle
“I still regret that I lightened my hair in due time. It was a big mistake – they became much worse, they split. They are very curly and fluffy, so styling is a huge problem. That’s why I get up at five in the morning to straighten my hair with an iron. I don’t use a hairdryer – it dries out. To help my hair grow and be bouncy, I use a mixture of peach and almond oil, rub into the roots and ends. I also buy hair masks. “
“When I first arrived in Moscow, the skin began to deteriorate, probably due to the difference between air and water. Now I am glad that I live in the suburbs – here the air is cleaner, the forest. The skin began to straighten. I do not recognize creams, I use a moisturizer at most in winter. I wash my face with a cleanser, wipe my face with a tonic. I also use scrubs. “
“Everyone thinks that actors are shamelessly put on before filming. This is wrong! On the contrary, make-up artists on the set of TNT apply less makeup than I do myself in life. My everyday makeup is arrows, tone, blush and lip gloss. Surprisingly, all the flaws appear in the photo, and the video, on the contrary, removes them. This is because, among other things, the light is very well supplied at TNT sites ”.
“My eyebrows are naturally not very thick, but now they are wide in fashion. So I had to grow them, although it seems to me that now I look like a horseman. Almond oil also works well here – they need to lubricate their eyebrows. “
“Before, when I went to auditions, I tried to look as attractive as possible: heels, skirt, neckline. But then I realized that until I reach the casting, all my beauty will fall apart. Therefore, I wear sneakers, in the summer I came to auditions in shorts and T-shirts. But they took me all the same. They said: “Bomb!” I understand very well what is required of me, I do not need many takes. I am open, it is easy with me. “
Watch “Interns” from Monday to Thursday at 20:00 on TNT