9 Best Self-Development Ways to Make a Difference in Your Life

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I think that we have already figured it out in the previous article: “What is self-development and 5 basic ways to move forward” Therefore, in this article we will find out how to work out a route to “yourself the best”, where to start moving and what to pay special attention to, to get tangible results in the near future. A lot has been written about how to engage in self-development. I will try to choose the main thing, from my point of view, and state this main thing as accessible as possible.

So, let’s start, perhaps, with the study of the stages that a person traditionally goes through in his development. After all, personal growth, like everything in this world, is not formed at once, but goes through a series of phases in its development.

Stages of self-development

  • self-knowledge. Back in the XNUMXth century BC, seven ancient sages formulated and inscribed on the temple of the god Apollo in Delphi the absolute and universal truth: «Know thyself.» A thinking person must clearly represent his life priorities, ideals, qualities that will allow him to move «forward and upward.» Only by giving an answer to the question: “Who am I in this world?”, You can try to look for landmarks and direction of movement.
  • Goal setting. Goals can be long-term and short-term, but in any case, they must be flexible and should not contradict each other. In addition, the result of goal setting should be a specific result and process — systematic exercises. In itself, the problem of setting life goals in the aspect of self-development is a very important and capacious topic, which we will discuss in one of the following publications.
  • Ways to achieve the goals. Self-development is a very individual process. Therefore, there simply cannot be universal tips for achieving the heights of personal growth. The answer to the question about the way to improve oneself (physical, mental or spiritual) can be searched for a long time in smart books, or you can get, as they say, «just from the sky.» The story of the American businessman and gambler MC Davis comes to mind. By chance, due to a traffic jam, having got to a children’s lecture on the destruction of wildlife, he suddenly found the meaning of his life. For twenty years, the businessman-philanthropist has invested ninety million dollars in the Nokuse project, designed for three hundred years. As a result, eight million swamp pine seedlings were planted on the lands purchased from wood processing companies.
  • Action. My favorite expression: «The road will be mastered by the walking one.» After all, only by starting to act, having made at least one step towards the dream, one can hope to achieve a result.

The self-development program includes various areas, including the improvement of character, the formation of strong-willed qualities, the development of intellect, spirituality, and physical form. In general, self-development is both a powerful factor in business success and success in the personal sphere of human life.

Ways of self-development

9 Best Self-Development Ways to Make a Difference in Your Life

  1. Select priorities. To go to the top without stopping and without wandering, a person needs to clearly understand the direction of movement. Stephen Covey, a well-known coach and business consultant, focused on the fact that the majority today chooses the watch as the main metaphor of their life, while they should be guided primarily by the compass. The main task of the individual is to find his true path. The focus should not be on speed, plans and schedules, but on priorities.
  2. Awareness of the fullness of life. Often in the flow of life, a person perceives the world either as a gray viscous substance, or as a motley chaotic kaleidoscope. To perceive the fullness of the moment, the harmony of the world and its versatility, it is worth applying the principle of “being here and now”. At any moment, you can give yourself the command: “Stop. Realize. Feel it.»
  3. Concentration of attention. The Indians have a story that the human brain is a little monkey. She constantly climbs somewhere, itches, looks at something, chews, but she can be tamed. The same must be done with consciousness. When the mind jumps from thought to thought, from idea to idea, tell it, “Come back! Look here!» By the way, I want to assure you that this technique works flawlessly. I tested for myself and came to the conclusion that with the help of self-control, you can completely focus on the task, discarding everything else. So I accumulate consciousness and the efficiency in the process becomes many times higher.
  4. Write down thoughts.In order to form and strengthen any intention, I advise you to fix all the brilliant and not-so-great thoughts that pop up in your mind about a particular problem. Use a notepad, organizer or voice recorder for this. By setting your subconscious mind to generate ideas in a given direction, you will soon receive a lot of tips and understand what and how to do next. Also, when debriefing flights of thought, pay attention to repetitive tasks. It is noticed that the task postponed three times is not worth the effort spent on its solution.
  5. Time. Take good care of such a valuable resource as time. Use time management techniques. It is worth learning arbitrary forgetfulness, since some problems are solved by themselves, and work on the ability to track and block «time eaters»: empty conversations, communication in networks, absorption and reaction to unnecessary information.
  6. Environment. Communication with people who can teach you something, inspire you, lead you. At the same time, I advise you to limit interaction with those who drag you down, load you with whining and complaints.
  7. Movement towards the goal. By mastering the art of small steps, you will steadily move towards your goal. The slightest movement in the outlined direction is already the result.
  8. Multi-vector. The ability to achieve several results in one unit of time. For example, getting on a treadmill, you can stick headphones with acid music in your ears, or you can listen to an audio book or repeat the words of a foreign language. Which option is more efficient? Definitely the second one! But here you can’t get carried away, if the task is serious, it’s better to concentrate entirely on it.
  9. Stress. Tim Ferriss, author of How to Work the 4-Hour Workweek, advises learning how to manage stress. Sound paradoxical. Is not it? But it is a certain level of stress that forms sufficient motivation in you. It turns out that there is a so-called «good» stress — emotional outbursts (not always with a plus sign) that make you leave your comfort zone.

Of course, the ways of self-development are not exhausted by this list. Every spiritual practice, every guru of psychology will most likely bring to your attention many more ways. The ones described in this article seem to me the most universal.

2 powerful techniques

And finally, I would like to give you, dear readers of my blog, a small gift. Two great exercises to help restore inner harmony and motivate yourself to actively move to the top.

A wonderful technique with which you can upgrade your life in an amazing way is described in the book of a Vietnamese spiritual leader and Zen master Tit Nat Khana «Peace in every step». The author proposes to reconsider the attitude to reality. “We often ask ourselves the question: What is wrong? And a negative field is immediately formed around. What if we learned to ask life: “What is it?” At the same time, experience the sensations that the answer forms for a longer time.

Power Hour, a technique developed by Anthony Robbins. It is based on three whales: planning the day (ten to fifteen minutes), focusing on the goal and meaningful pronunciation of the settings. Let’s talk about attitudes, or they are also called affirmations. They are the ones who program consciousness in a certain way. This is a very powerful tool that replenishes energy resources in an amazing way and works like a magnet that attracts resources, people, and events. Here are a few similar settings (affirmations):

  •  I feel in myself strength, determination, happiness;
  •  I am confident in my potential;
  •  I live every day with energy and passion;
  •  everything that I start, I bring to perfection;
  •  I am calm and confident;
  •  I am grateful for every day I live;
  •  I am generous and gladly share my abundance.

You can read more about affirmations in the article: “How to program yourself for success with the help of affirmations”


I hope that you will successfully use the information received in the article. If you have something to share after reading the article, please write in the comments. I would love to hear your opinion and feedback.

There are many different techniques and methods of human self-development. About the best of them, I will tell in the following publications.

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9 Best Self-Development Ways to Make a Difference in Your Life

Good luck friends in all your endeavors.

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