Are you dissatisfied with your life, but you can’t figure out what exactly is going wrong? According to coach Lucia Giovannini, these eight signs will help you know it’s time for a change.
We spend a lot of time pretending to be strong to maintain the status quo. Better to stop knocking on closed doors. We are afraid of emptiness, but we must remember that the new can enter into life only if you make room for it. According to Lucia Giovannini, these 8 signs say that you need to change something in your life.
1. …you are overly hard on yourself.
Exaggerated expectations tear you away from the real flow of life, make you forget about the present and think that you will be happy in the future. When there will be new relationships, work, home and so on. Expectations squeeze between the past and the future and do not allow you to enjoy the current moment.
How can you feel the magic of the present if the brain is occupied with the wounds of the past and worries about the future? Instead, try to focus on the beauty in your life now.
2. …others expect too much from you.
Don’t change yourself for the sake of others. It is better to stop communicating with someone, remaining yourself, than to adapt to the interests of others. It is much easier to soothe a broken heart than to piece together a broken personality. When we are in love, we tend to cheat on ourselves for the other person. What does this lead to? Does this make us happy? Bringing harmony to relationships? Be yourself and you will never be alone.
3. …someone has a bad effect on your mood
Everyone likes to surround themselves with positive people. If someone close to you is a bad influence on you because their words are at odds with their actions, stop this communication. It is better to be alone than «together with just anyone.» True friends, like true love, will never leave your life.
4. …you persistently seek love
You can’t make people love you, but you can work on yourself and become worthy of love. Don’t ask people to stay in your life if they want to leave. Love is freedom, not dependence and coercion. Its end does not mean the end of the world. When a person leaves your life, they are teaching you something important. Consider this experience in subsequent relationships, and everything will turn out as it should.
5. …you underestimate yourself
Often the people you love don’t know your worth, taking care of them is wasting energy that won’t come back.
Relationships are about mutual exchange of love, not one-sided caring.
So it’s time to let go of the person who doesn’t appreciate you enough. It can be difficult for us to do this, but after breaking up, you are likely to ask the question why you didn’t take this step earlier.
6. …you sacrifice your happiness
Relationships are about mutual exchange of love, not one-sided caring. If you give more than you receive, you will soon feel like a loser. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for someone else. This will not bring anything good, the partner or loved ones will not appreciate the sacrifice.
7. …fear prevents you from changing your life
Unfortunately, people rarely make their dreams come true, because every day they make small concessions, which in the end do not lead to the desired result. Sometimes we do it for money, a sense of security, and sometimes for the sake of being loved. We blame others for failing our dreams. We call ourselves a victim of circumstance.
This attitude means the slow and painful death of your soul. Have the courage to follow your heart, take risks, change what you don’t like. This path will not be easy, but when you get to the top, you will thank yourself. The less you think about losing, the more likely you are to win.
8. …you are too attached to the past
The past is in the past and cannot be changed. The secret of happiness and freedom is not revenge on those who once hurt. Rely on fate and do not forget the lessons that you received from these people. The last chapter is more important than the first. Free yourself from the chains of the past and open your soul to new and wonderful adventures!