European psychologists call the new trend of communication in couples micro-dating – micro-dates. It is designed to revive any relationship, if not in an instant, then quite quickly. This format is especially useful for busy couples.
Work, shopping, housework and sports – in our daily life there is little time for a loved one. And when children appear, it becomes very difficult to give your partner enough attention. Most partners only see each other in the morning or evening, when everyone is too tired to waste time with each other.
So that the routine does not crush love, you need to set aside time for romantic communication together. The good news is that busy couples don’t have to carve out an entire weekend in the hustle and bustle for some coveted solitude. The concept of mini-meetings easily fits into any busy schedule. Use short intervals that you often spend on a mobile phone or series. What is the essence of the idea of microdating?
Idea 1. Meet for morning coffee
A good start to the working day will cheer you up 24 hours in advance. Therefore, if possible, try to get out of bed together, even if someone can take off their nightcap later. Think of a joint morning activity that both of you enjoy. For example, a short date at the coffee maker. You can brush up on plans for the day, share upcoming tasks and challenges, or pleasant expectations while sipping coffee together.
Idea 2. Have lunch together
If you and your partner work close to each other, you can take your lunch break together at least once a week. A date somewhere “on the equator”, between your offices, is a great chance to dine in a good restaurant and enjoy time together.
If meeting is too much of a challenge for you, but you want to keep the concept of microdating, then just schedule a lunchtime phone call. Or a video chat that will allow you to eat together, albeit virtually. Regular face-to-face meetings can become a pleasant ritual and strengthen your relationship. If your lunch breaks are short and you get calls from work all the time, maybe you can pick each other up from work from time to time?
Idea 3. Go shopping
If you and your partner do weekly shopping together, you can also turn shopping into a microdate. Carry a basket or roll a cart, holding hands, kiss in line at the checkout. These little joys will easily fit into your day and help love and passion not fade away in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Idea 4. Return to the first date
It seems that repeating your first date is a difficult or even unrealistic idea. It is unlikely that it will be possible to accurately reproduce that day. But small details, of course, can be included in the usual everyday life. For example, turn on a song that you both heard then, cook a dish that you ordered that time, or put on something that amazed or made your partner laugh at that time. It will surely bring back fond memories.
Idea 5. Give each other a moment of tenderness in the car
If you are driving together in a car on your way to work or shopping, pat your partner on the knee or take his partner’s hand. You can also insert a CD of songs from your shared past to bring back fond memories.
Idea 6. Divide homework between two
Choose a “homework” that you could do with a partner. For example, fold laundry or load the dishwasher together. And in the process, you can play, joke – this will be a great option for a microdate.
Idea 7. Give a “random” touch
Every time you pass your partner, try to touch him. Kiss on the forehead or cheek, pat on the back, or hug tightly. Such touches not only give a feeling of closeness and warmth, but also make the other person truly happy. After all, each of us needs contact. Studies have shown that the average person needs eight hugs a day to produce the hormones necessary for happiness.
Idea 8. Take a shower together
Try meeting in the bathroom for a microdate tonight. Take a shower together. Such a microdate with minimal effort will give the maximum result, give you intimacy, revive passion.
There are many ways to revive relationships. Such tricks are especially important for couples with children, when the risk of getting carried away with the roles of parents and forgetting about the roles of partners is great. Remember that next to you there is a person dear to you who, like you, wants real attention and warmth. This is the first and most important step towards happiness in a relationship.