8 foods that increase life expectancy

Why do plants prolong life?

In numerous studies on the topic of life expectancy and reducing the risk of disease, a plant-based diet is mentioned in one way or another. We all initially have different physiological data, and, of course, not only food protects us from diseases. However, it plays a key role. The most “aging” foods are those that create an acidic environment in the body (sugar, alcohol, refined grains, processed foods and red meat). The use of such products leads to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, which significantly reduces the quality of our lives.

How to eat right? What foods improve the quality and length of our lives? Focus on the most important foods and add them to your daily diet. This will help change the negative attitude from “what I can’t eat” to “what can I eat”. Here are 8 amazing products:

1. Leafy greens and green vegetables

Green foods should be the basis of the diet, because they form the “foundation” of any food pyramid. Greens contain vitamins, minerals, protein. These are unique natural alkalizing foods that we can eat all year round. Kale, kale, chard, broccoli, arugula and spinach are the best choices because they are rich in calcium, protein, iron, chlorophyll, magnesium, vitamins B, C, A and E. They also contain many antioxidants that help prevent cancer and other diseases.

2. Berries and pomegranate

Berries and pomegranates are unprecedented anti-age products. They strengthen the nervous system, protect the heart, prevent cellular damage that leads to Alzheimer’s disease, have a low glycemic index, and therefore keep insulin levels at a normal level. Plus, berries are high in fiber, which means they improve digestion, lower cholesterol, and help maintain normal weight. Berries contain many antioxidants, which, in turn, are designed to fight free radicals – the main cause of aging. Pomegranates and berries are good for heart health and good blood circulation. These are excellent foods containing nutrients that can prevent memory loss and brain damage.

3. Cocoa

Cocoa (raw chocolate) is rightfully one of the best foods to support heart and brain health. Cocoa is rich in substances that maintain normal blood pressure and sugar levels. If you’re looking for a way to get enough healthy vegetable fats, look no further than organic raw cocoa powder. Raw cacao is great for cardiovascular health, circulation, hormones, and even digestion (due to its beneficial bacteria content).

4. Orange root crops

Sweet potatoes (yam), butternut squash, and carrots are rich in beta-carotene (a plant-based form of vitamin A) for immune support. Orange vegetables are a good choice for fighting inflammation and cardiovascular disease. It is a source of fiber and healthy complex carbohydrates that slow metabolism better than most grains and processed carbohydrates. They maintain insulin levels and reduce oxidative stress that can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Orange vegetables are also on the anti-age list, they make the skin healthier and more beautiful due to the high content of antioxidants. Have at least one item on this list (cooked or raw) in your diet every day.

5. Avocado

The avocado is now called the “new apple” in the health industry, and is loved not so much for its taste as for its unsurpassed properties. Avocados contain vitamin E, protein, magnesium, B vitamins and unsaturated fats that prevent aging. Eating avocados facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients. Just make sure you buy ripe avocados, which are really healthy. Try replacing one of your favorite dairy products with them – you will feel the difference. Avocado is a versatile food that can be used in any dish, from sweet to savory.

6. Coconut

It is a healthy and tasty source of fat, fiber and protein. The substances contained in coconut support the immune system and the brain, which in turn significantly increases life expectancy. Coconut helps the body maintain adequate cholesterol levels, which are necessary for the production of certain types of hormones. This advantage makes coconut and other vegetable fats a great alternative to animal fats. Coconut also has anti-inflammatory properties, supports insulin levels, and contains more fiber than any grain.

7. Walnuts (and other nuts and seeds)

Nuts and seeds are some of the best foods for longevity because they reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. Walnuts, for example, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids that improve brain and heart function, even reduce weight. Hemp seeds, flax, chia and pumpkin seeds are also great sources of omega-3s. Almonds and cashews also contain magnesium and iron, speed up metabolism, help fight fatigue and lower insulin levels. Just do not forget that nuts are very high in calories, so eat no more than 1-3 servings (30-90g) of nuts per day.

8. Apples

Apples are definitely a long-lived product. The English proverb says, “An apple a day, you don’t need a doctor,” and it’s not far from the truth: apples are at the top of the list of anti-cancer and heart health foods. Green apples have less sugar than red ones, they boost immunity and even prevent cancer. At the same time, red apples have more antioxidants. Therefore, it is better to alternate varieties of apples: Granny Smith, Opal, Fuji, Golden. Always add them to your shopping list.

Another way to increase life expectancy is to add beans and lentils (if you can tolerate them), as well as mushrooms, cabbage (including cauliflower), and olives to your diet. And do not forget about physical activity – whether it be a 30-minute brisk walk, a quiet yoga or a walk in the park during your lunch break. Good sleep and lack of stress also contribute to the prevention of diseases and increase life expectancy.


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