If you want to lose weight and gain a beautiful shape, you will need to decide for yourself the important question: how to speed up metabolism. If the wrong diet is very easy to disturb the metabolism, and then the process of losing weight can be difficult several times. What are the rules you need to follow to increase your metabolism and improve your body shape?
How to speed up metabolism?
1. Avoid low-calorie diet
If you want to speed up the metabolism, forget about a low calorie diet. You will never adjust your metabolism if you eat 1200 and less calories per day. In response to such severe restrictions in the diet, your body will go into “energy saving” mode and will store fat. How to lose weight, you ask? Calculate your daily intake of calories and eat according to this figure. In this case, you will be able to lose weight and keep metabolism.
2. Do not make long breaks between meals
How many of us love due to busy at work to miss lunch. Or even to arrange a full meal only at 8 o’clock. Just imagine, the body doesn’t know what to expect from you: feed you on time today or not. Why would he risk if you can just conserve energy and slow down metabolism? You are doing bad to your body, he gladly reciprocate. So if you yourself are not the enemy, you should not be without a full meal for more than 5 hours.
3. Like weight training
You would think that dumbbell and barbell is a purely masculine attributes? You’re wrong, girls need strength training no less than men. The more muscle mass in your body, the better your metabolism. Muscle cells require several times more energy than fat cells. Sitting on a restricted diet without strength training, you lose your muscles. Just imagine that through inaction you yourself complicate their task of losing weight. It is always important to remember that one of the key ways to accelerate metabolism are doing strength training.
4. Drink water
You still do not consume 2 liters of pure water daily? Then now is the time to start. Water speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite and nourishes the skin with moisture. Need to drink 20 minutes before eating and at least 40 minutes after. To wash down food with water is not necessary, it can disrupt digestion. It is important to note that when calculating the two liters you need to consider only pure water: coffee, tea and juices do not belong to it.
5. Do interval cardio workout
Cardio training is not only a way to train the heart muscle, but also a great opportunity to get rid of excess fat. However, if you want to increase the effectiveness of aerobic exercises, do them interval. For example, during the run every 5 minutes, accelerate to maximum for you pace and hold it for a minute. And similar intervals do throughout your cardio workout. Why is it important? Such explosive load will increase your metabolism not only during training but also for hours after. Ie, you will ensure a fast metabolism even after your workout. Wasn’t that great?
6. Eat Breakfast every day
To run to work or school without Breakfast, and the first full meal arrange for you already by noon.. Familiar? If Yes, then it’s time to get rid of old bad habits. Breakfast is a crucial meal that sets the tone for the whole day. A nutritious Breakfast will help you to strengthen all body systems and include metabolic processes. Forget about drinking coffee and biscuit. If you want to speed up your metabolism, start your day with a healthy cereal, such as fruit and nuts. Those who are pressed for time in the morning, maybe make yourself a smoothie with oatmeal, milk and banana and drink on the way to work.
7. Eat protein foods
Meat, fish, cheese and legumes should be the staples of your table. Protein which they contain, is the building tool of a muscle, and their importance in the process of accelerating metabolism, we wrote at length above. In addition, protein products (unlike carbohydrate) did not cause a rise in blood sugar, and therefore does not provoke the creation of fat cells in the body. In sports need to consume about 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If you are unable to gain normal protein normal foods, you can consume protein shakes or bars.
By following these simple rules, you not only accelerate metabolism, but also learn to eat balanced and healthy. A good metabolism will help you to cope with the extra weight much faster.
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