I have written more than once about how important the correct acid-base balance in the body is for our health. Harmful food, bad environment “oxidizes” us, because of this we age faster and suffer from constant inflammation and disease. To avoid this, I recommend “alkalinizing” the body, first of all by adjusting your diet.
In addition to a proper alkaline diet, additional ways can help you:
- Take an alkaline bath. Add magnesium flakes or baking soda to your bath and soak up your time. Baking soda makes the water more alkaline. Another way to get magnesium (albeit in small amounts) is by swimming in the sea.
- Jump on a mini trampoline: this will improve blood circulation and circulation in the lymphatic system. It is through the lymph that our body is cleansed of toxins (toxins) – acidification products.
- Go to the sauna or bath regularly. With sweat, our body finds an additional way to cleanse from toxins.
- Drink more water and alkalize it with special drops. I carry these drops with me and try to add them to the water as often as possible.
- Get yourself a regular detox routine by focusing on vegetable juices and smoothies.
- Eat a handful of unroasted almonds and avocados every day as a snack.