Stupidity is like a contagious disease, Shakespeare warned, so it is important to choose your environment carefully. But how do you know who to avoid? And is it really necessary? Here is what psychologist Maria Eril says.
I am a humanistic person, so I am sure that stupidity is a temporary state of mind, something like infantile immaturity. However, I can hardly be mistaken if I assume that because of my own stupidity, many people do not have as much fun as they would like. And even their loved ones — and even more so.
But let’s see what exactly stupidity manifests itself in and how it can prevent not only those who deal with such a person, but also himself, from enjoying life.
1. A fool only talks about himself.
Any communication implies a dialogue, and a mature person usually understands that this is a way of exchanging information. Exchange, not planting. It happens, of course, that a person needs to speak out when something has happened — it happens to everyone. But if we are talking about a pathological solo, when the interlocutor does not have the opportunity to insert at least a word, let alone tell something, we are dealing with a fool.
And don’t talk to me about the narcissistic personality. All that matters in this case is that the person has not realized that listening is an important resource in the process of gaining life experience. In addition, this quality is very valuable in friendly communication. And if I’m the only one listening, then why not someone more interesting? There are a lot of sensible lecturers now.
2. There are a lot of people, he is loud
I’ll make a reservation right away, there are cases of special, loud charisma — but in such cases there are no questions like “Or maybe he’s just a fool?”. I’m not talking about them, but about those stupid people who often replace the lack of depth and meaning with intensity.
Imagine: a restaurant, subdued lights, people talking, someone working on a laptop, someone having a quiet romantic meeting. Here and there, the sound increases slightly: they laughed, they greeted those who came … And suddenly, among this cozy noise, the annoying voice of a lady who tells the interlocutor the details of her personal life. And no one from those present can be left out.
The rules of etiquette, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in myself
We do not want to listen, especially since it is not interesting, stupid, flat … But this is how our brain works: we are forced to pay attention to sharp sounds, because life can depend on it. And now the whole restaurant is devoted to the details of the divorce …
Lonely lucky people with a laptop are lucky — they have headphones and, looking askance at the violator of the sound mode, are in a hurry to unravel the wiring. The couple quickly pays off and runs away: everything is just beginning for them, and other people’s divorces are an extremely inappropriate topic. The lady orders more wine, her voice getting even louder. And even those who sit on the street terrace have already heard about her stupidity …
Involuntarily, the rules of etiquette come to mind. They, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in myself.
3. A fool ignores the needs of the interlocutor
Is he interested? Isn’t he tired? Maybe he needs to move away, but he just can’t find a suitable pause? In one breath, such a person fills the entire space. It is especially difficult for delicate people who are afraid to offend, to be inappropriate.
The lack of need for feedback speaks of infantile self-righteousness. Such interlocutors are like a child not yet endowed with empathy, who cannot understand that his mother is tired of dragging him on a sled for the eighteenth kilometer. So they, on the one hand, seem to make it clear: «If you don’t like something, just say it.» And on the other — yeah, try it, tell me. Payment on the account of your grievances — thank you, not today.
4. A stupid person is afraid of everything.
I will not go there — there it is. I don’t want to go here, it’s there. However, the constant search for a zone of safety and comfort hinders evolution. Any living mind of this evolution is hungry and finds ways to either deal with their own fears on their own or ask for help. It is foolish to allow fears to orchestrate life.
There is also the other side of the coin — when a person rushes into battle without weighing the risks and not comparing them with his own strengths. How many stupid things have been done on this courage! But this second type of «headless horsemen» is still closer to me than the waiting ones, who are afraid of everything.
By performing some action, a person gains experience, even if it is negative, some kind of wisdom. And what is the experience and wisdom of a person who remains within four walls and, out of boredom, experiments only with finding the best TV channel? ..
5. A fool does not doubt his attitudes.
In my opinion, this is the height of stupidity. Look at any field of science, how ideas have changed over time. Something was considered true, indisputable, and then one discovery turned the whole system of knowledge upside down and past beliefs turned into dense delusions in one day.
In addition, rigid thinking, when a person does not know how to be flexible and take into account new knowledge, is a direct path to Alzheimer’s. That’s what modern research says. But who knows, maybe they’ll change their mind…
6. A stupid person divides things into black and white.
Categorical attitudes, especially multiplied by stubbornness, is another sign of stupidity. Missed the turn — you have topographical cretinism. And that’s it, you will remain so for the rest of your life. Non-recognition of halftones, features of the context and situation — this is certainly not characteristic of smart people.
…This text is an example of such a division. Dividing people into fools and smart is very stupid. After all, each person has his own story and his own experience, which led to the fact that at this stage of life a person speaks only about himself, does not check with his interlocutor, or is captured by fears.
Each of us can sometimes behave stupidly, so the best thing we can do is to direct attention to our inner life and give maximum goodwill to the world around us.