6 golden rules to properly bottle-feed your baby

The right position, the right inclination of the bottle, the right nipple… Everything seems complicated during the first bottle, but these six golden rules will allow us to quickly take our marks and to give baby his bottle perfectly!

1. Seat, bed, armchair: be well installed or installed for the bottle

Breastfeeding is a moment of pleasure and sharing with your child. This is why you should make yourself comfortable, in a chair if possible, so as not to tire yourself too much. The ideal is to be in semi-sitting position and to favor a quiet place. Also remember to wash your hands thoroughly beforehand.

2. The right position: baby in the crook of the arm

Take your baby on your lap and prop him up in the crook of your arm. It must be in semi-recumbent position et in front of you so you can look at yourself. Do not squeeze it too tightly so that it retains some freedom of movement.

3. Offer the bottle to his infant

To make sure the milk is not too hot, pour a few drops on the inside of your wrist. Then gently approach the bottle lips of your child, until you stroke them. He will quite naturally take the pacifier in his mouth, against his palate.

4. Check the bottle nipple

La pacifier should always be full of milk so that it swallows as little air as possible. To do this, tilt the bottle well, almost vertically. A tip: the presence of small bubbles rising to the surface in the bottle means that the milk is flowing as it should. If not, or if you see your baby having difficulty sucking, loosen the bottle ring.

5. Take your time to bottle-feed

Each baby drinks to his own rhythm. Do not hesitate to make small breaks. Why not two or three if he drinks quickly. There is no obligation in this, it is up to you to find the right cadence and to tune in as well as possible with your child.

6. Helping your baby to burp: how to hold baby after the bottle?

Usually, most babies burp within ten minutes of finishing their bottle. But you can totally make a small break during feeding so that he burps before taking the bottle again, then a second at the end. To help him, hold him straight up against you and if the burp does not come, gently pat his back with your hand.

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