6 foods that are more useful with rind

Most vegetables and fruit in their peel contain the highest concentration of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Please do not rush to clean these products, have them together with the peel.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

The peel of apples is too hard for chewing and digestion. But this is where the main focus of useful fiber for satiety and better digestion. In the peel of apples are many quercetins, vitamin C, and triterpenoids that protect the body from cancer.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

Peel of eggplants may taste bitter, and not soak them in saltwater; most get rid of it. However, the rind of this product contains a unique phytonutrient nasunin. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage and premature aging.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

This root vegetable similar to carrots, white color, slightly tangy taste. And the top layer is a source of many nutrients (folate and manganese), so it is best to cook it with the peel on.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

Some people prefer to cut the cucumber with a tough rind for the soft salad, which, incidentally, contains immune-boosting antioxidants and fiber for gentle cleansing of the body.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

Prepare the mashed potatoes with the skin is unlikely to succeed. Still, baked or boiled unpeeled, it contains 20% more nutrients (including vitamins and minerals), as well as all the necessary fiber.


6 foods that are more useful with rind

The skin of carrots contains the necessary antioxidants to help protect the entire body before cooking the carrots, just good to wash and not RUB with a stiff brush to get rid of the earth.

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