5 tips for taking care of your back

As office work becomes more and more part of our daily lives, spending long hours standing still in a sitting position, back pain occurs. To protect your back, some simple, everyday advice can help ward off this specter.
1. Stretch
A good reflex when getting out of bed: stretch! Taking care of your back begins in the morning, when the body is still numb from long hours spent lying in the same position.
A simple but effective exercise as soon as you get out of bed: while standing, join your hands reaching up to the sky and grow taller as if you wanted to touch the ceiling, without arching your back.
Certain yoga and breathing exercises are also ideal for boosting your physical health, such ascat stretch or child’s pose.
Be careful, however, not to hurt yourself, the stretching should not cause pain.
2. Favor the backpack
Whether we carry a handbag, a computer bag, a shopping bag or even the children’s schoolbag, carrying it only on one side unbalances the body. The best solution is to adopt the backpack which evenly distributes the weight on both shoulders.
For those who can not bring themselves to it, prefer a handbag with a long strap so that it can be worn over the shoulder. Adjust it so that the bag touches the top of the hip, level with the iliac bone. Remember: make it as light as possible and alternate sideways!
When shopping, carry a bag in each hand to distribute the load on both sides.
3. Play sports
The fight against back pain is not about lying down and resting your back, on the contrary! Strengthening your back will prove to be beneficial. Practice regular physical activity like swimming, cycling, gymnastics, weight training or yoga.
These different exercises will strengthen your abdominals and relieve your spine.
4. Behave well
“Stand up straight”! This is a phrase we heard often in our childhood, but to which we paid very little attention. But taking care of your back starts there.
The right sitting position is one that requires constant effort, admittedly difficult to maintain when work-related stress invades us and we end up hunched over in front of our computer.
So, when you are seated, remember to stand up straight and uncross your legs ! Your buttocks should be positioned at the bottom of the chair, your legs and knees should form a right angle, your feet should be flat and your back should be pressed against the backrest.
Stools are bad for your posture: without support, your back is arched, so avoid them!
5. Sleep on your back or on your side
Dormir on the stomach is not the ideal position because it accentuates the arch in the lumbar region and forces you to turn your head to one side, which can give you neck pain.
Sleeping on your back is better for your spine except for snorers or those with sleep apnea issues.
Sleep on the side lightens your spine and helps prevent gastric reflux.
Solution: Alternate positions for sleeping on your back and on your side, and adopt good bedding, this will also improve the quality of sleep.
Anne-Flore Renard
Read also: What is the best position for sleeping?