Cistus is a plant that has amazing health properties. It is credited with effectiveness in the fight against all infections, boleriosis, allergies and even cancer. Cistus herb contains a large amount of polyphenols, i.e. antioxidants (antioxidants) with a strong effect on health. This means that it eliminates free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases.
What other miraculous properties does cistus have and what makes it a much better (and at the same time less known) alternative to green tea?
- Removes toxic heavy metals from the body. So it will be good for people who smoke and work or live in a polluted environment. In addition, it supports oral hygiene – rinsing the mouth with cleansing is a better way than using drugstore liquids intended for this purpose, which contain chemicals, such as toxic triclosan. In addition, it has a whitening effect on the teeth.
- Its antioxidant properties are 3 times higher than in the case of green tea – antioxidants not only delay the aging process of the body, but also have an antibiotic effect on bacteria, viruses and microorganisms. It is a good medicine for many diseases.
- It does not contain psychoactive substances – and therefore the cistus infusion can be drunk by literally everyone, regardless of age or health. This is the opposite of the effect of green tea infusion, which contains theine, theobromine or theophylline. What we will feel after drinking the cistus infusion is only a slight tingling sensation in the mouth caused by the antiviral ingredients.
- It will change the smell of your body – which is an ideal reason to drink cistus infusion for people struggling with excessive sweating of the body or simply unpleasant body odor. Thanks to the unusual properties of the purge, i.e. removing toxins from the body, we emit a smell that is definitely more pleasant to the sense of smell.
- Prevents diseases – dissolves blockages and blood clots, thus preventing ischemic heart disease; it will also bring relief to people suffering from psoriasis, dandruff, skin and nail fungus, eczema, acne, sinus infections, herpes, infections caused by staphylococcus aureus, shingles, as well as many other infections that are caused by the multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is sometimes better than an antibiotic, and additionally it has an anti-allergic effect.
- Good for animals – mainly to protect against fleas and ticks.
- And for the prostate – it should also be drunk by men suffering from prostate hyperplasia, because it has cytotoxic and anti-proliferative properties.
How to drink cistus?
It is prepared like a typical herbal tea. It is available in herbal shops and pharmacies both in the form of dried fruit and in bags. It is worth paying attention to whether it comes from organic farming and whether it is cut or ground. To get the best results, you should drink cistus infusion regularly, and after a month you will see the effects.