It’s back to school! Finally, are you sure? To avoid unpleasant surprises post-containment, deconfinement, reconfinement, health protocol 8 bis, I offer you a preparation in flexibility and adaptability mode.
1. We provide a stock of masks
At least four per school-age child. In fabric it is more ecological and less expensive. Two are washed at 60 ° C each evening. A bag in the entrance of the house to deposit the dirty. A bag near the satchels for the clean ones. Choose mask designs that appeal to children and attach easily.
IN CASE THE MASKS ARE NOT MANDATORY : they will be used for the next outbreak of gastro, squirrel flu or family reunion with sick guests who can not refuse a party. Also great for dressing up as a bandit, a doctor, a cowboy.
2. We ensure a stock of hydroalcoholic gel
At least one bottle of hydroalcoholic gel per child of school age. It will avoid stress when entering and leaving school. It will reassure the grandparents. Choose a fragrance-free solution and a (small) bottle that you fill (cheaper and more environmentally friendly).
IN CASE THE FREEZE IS INEFFECTIVE AGAINST COVID-19 : they will be used for all the times when soap is lacking and the classic viruses lie in wait!
3. We reassure children about their school level
No, they’re not going to be bottom of the class because we didn’t finish the pronoun lesson in July and we all had an argument over how to score the carry on a bill. Teachers will revise revise revise in the first term to avoid differences in levels between their students.
IN CASE THE TEACHER ACTS IF NOTHING WAS :we buy a vacation notebook (on sale as a result!) and we revise in the evening without stressing more because everyone is in the same boat.
4. We remain flexible in our head at work
Of course, we all hope for a normal return to school with reception from the leisure center before and after class and open nurseries. Except that new scientific, ministerial, municipal and individual data can change the situation. It is therefore better to prepare (and your employer too) to have to adapt your work rhythm again (or find a babysitter to make the joint) to a messed up children’s schedule.
IN CASE EVERYTHING COMES BACK AS HAB ‘: we party with the parents of the neighborhood (masked).
5. We activate the picnic mode
Normally, children should find their dear hearts of palm / butter beans / omelet / gouda / banana in the canteen. But do you ever know what can happen in the cold chain! A sick person, a strike, a health protocol that prohibits mini-goudas and your child has a stomach rumbling all the afternoon. It is therefore better to provide a mini-cooler type container, a gourd and stock up on food to improvise a picnic: individual cheese, tuna, white bread, tabbouleh, chips, compote, dried fruits …
IN CASE THE CANTEEN IS OPEN : we bless heaven and earth for the peace of mind found. And we avoid looking at the menus in advance so as not to lose our good back to school mood!