The liver is an organ that is a filter, daily passing through itself harmful substances that enter our body. The liver has many aggressive enemies – alcohol, medications, chemical additives from food, and therefore it needs nourishment.
Introduce these foods into your diet and support your health from the inside out.
The liver loves orange and red foods, and pumpkin comes in handy. Pumpkin is rich in the rare vitamin T, which helps the absorption of heavy protein foods such as meat. Let the habit of eating pumpkin as a side dish settle in your kitchen. And pumpkin also helps to lose weight, so those who are busy with this issue should especially take a closer look at it.
Another red-haired assistant, suitable for those who cannot imagine life without dessert. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the consumption of dried apricots reduces the risk of liver cancer, and the phenolic components that make up this dried fruit reduce cholesterol, which overloads the liver.
Or seaweed. It contains alginic acid – it is also called a natural utilizer of harmful substances. They are able to remove salts of heavy metals. And this is a great help for the liver. Also, seaweed contains a lot of iodine, which prevents thyroid diseases, reduces the risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol levels.
Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. It protects the body from the effects of free radicals that are formed from cigarette smoke, radiation, dirty air, and so on. All this blow falls on the liver. Olive oil blocks toxic substances entering the body, so often dress salads with it or more often put canned olives on the table.
Dairy produce
Fermented milk products such as low-fat kefir, yogurt, or fermented baked milk are a good option. They are the basis for the improvement of the intestinal microflora and contribute to a soft and natural cleaning of the body from toxins, which means that the liver will be easier. Plus, good bacteria will help you digest food and move it out more easily.
5 main vitamins for the liver:
– Vitamin A – found in carrots, beets, apricots, pumpkin and bell peppers.
– Vitamin E – found in cereals, fish and vegetable oil.
– Omega-3 fatty acids – look for them in oily fish.
– Vitamin B2 is peaches, pears, beets and spinach.
– Lipoic acid – dairy products, beef and spinach.
Recall that earlier we talked about which herbs are useful both in cooking and for health, as well as which breakfasts, according to a nutritionist, are considered the most harmful.
Be healthy!