How to replace coffee: TOP-10 invigorating drinks

If coffee is so your favorite drink that it has long become an addiction. It is worth thinking about alternatives – more gentle, but no less tasty. The task of coffee is to stimulate the nervous system, wake up and shake the body, relieve fatigue and increase endurance. At the same time, it is advisable not to overdo it and not bring the body to exhaustion – both mental and physical.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It stimulates the immune system, improves metabolism and makes blood run faster. Ginger is a frequent seasoning of the dietary table, it is useful for toxicosis of any trimester of pregnancy. As an alternative coffee drink, ginger relieves fatigue, dullness and apathy. Just grind the ginger root on a grater, pour in boiling water and let it brew for 7 minutes.

Green tea


It is recommended to everyone who cannot wake up in the morning without a cup of coffee. There is enough caffeine in green tea to cheer you up and get you out of bed. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and is able to boost immunity, which is important in the autumn-winter period.

Lemon drink

In fact, the insidiousness of coffee lies in the fact that as soon as the effect of caffeine wears off, we again need a “dose” to invigorate. To avoid this addiction, replace coffee with water with lemon juice – this drink will give energy no less coffee, and will not require a new refueling.

Ginseng tea

Ginseng perfectly tones, stimulates and is a general tonic. This is a medicinal herb that will help to concentrate, accumulate strength and open the reserve of the necessary energy. If you feel the accumulated fatigue – just add ginseng to your usual evening tea, let it be a wonderful tradition at the end of the day.

Pomegranate juice

You don’t need to brew anything – buy it ready-made or just include pomegranates in your diet. Pomegranate juice is an energy drink, it contains a lot of vitamins, and it will come in handy for a pregnant ex-coffee woman. Pomegranate juice is best consumed with carrot juice or diluted with water.

Lemongrass tea

It can also be a great substitute for your morning coffee. Invigorates and improves well-being. It is even prescribed to patients with exhaustion, during the recovery period after operations or with asthenia, so that they get back on their feet sooner. It manifests itself well in people prone to depression.


Licorice root is respected by doctors in many countries and is used as an aid in the treatment of diseases where vitality and strength are needed. Licorice prolongs life and has a high energy-supplying property. Contains no caffeine.

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