These exercises will help you stay healthy and get more pleasure from life and sex. They do not require much time and effort, they can be performed at any free moment without special devices.
We often put off taking care of our health until later. But any unpleasant conditions are easier to prevent than to treat. We offer you to master 5 simple exercises that do not require special training from you. You can perform them during the day: your desire and 5 minutes of free time are enough.
1. Light jumps from edema
Purpose of the exercise: remove excess fluid from the body.
Lead time: 1 minutes
You need to perform the exercise in the morning on an empty stomach.
Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, and press your feet firmly to the floor. Inhale and stretch the top of your head up, then exhale and relax your body as much as possible.
Start “springing” your body up and down: press your socks to the floor, and, on the contrary, tear off your heels by 2-4 centimeters. Movement should be light and barely noticeable. If you are doing this exercise for the first time, you will be pleasantly surprised by the changes: it helps to reduce puffiness both in the face and at the level of the whole body.
2. «Circles of relaxation»
Purpose of the exercise: improve blood circulation and feel your body brighter.
Lead time: 2-5 minutes.
You can do this exercise while washing dishes or brushing your teeth. That is, in those few minutes when you need to stay in one place and do not need to move anywhere.
Turn on the sexiest music. Inhale deeply through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Let the music get inside your body. Relax and start drawing circles with your hips: slowly, first in one direction, then in the other. The smoother you get it out, the better.
Keep your attention on your breath: inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth. Take your time: this will help you focus on bodily sensations, return attention to him.
3. «Feel your body»
Purpose of the exercise: to establish contact with the body, increase the sensitivity in sex and gain self-confidence.
Lead time: from 2 minutes to infinity.
We do many things mechanically: we pour coffee, brush our teeth, wash our hair. There is a plus in this — by performing the usual tasks on the machine, we save time. But there is also a huge minus: we stop feeling ourselves. This means that we cease to understand, for example, which touches are pleasant to us and which ones are not. And it would be great to get yourself back.
Take a shower and try to get to know your body again. To do this, start touching yourself: not as usual, with controlled mechanical movements, but with great attention to sensations. Wash your hair with special care, massage your scalp, then slide your fingers down your neck to your collarbones and chest. This is your body and it needs attention and love.
Pay attention to those places that have been bypassed before: gently touch the lower abdomen and perineum, linger a little longer on the labia and anus. Try to understand whether these touches are pleasant to you or not. Your body knows what you need at this moment, you just need to listen to it.
4. «Fluffy tail»
Purpose of the exercise: improve the flexibility of the spine and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
Lead time: from 2 to 5 minutes.
Stand in goasana, or “table pose” (for fidelity, its image can be found on the Web): palms under your shoulders, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, torso parallel to the floor. On the inhale, slightly bend at the waist, and on the exhale, slightly round it. Do the exercise slowly and take your time — do it exactly as many times as necessary to understand that the body is comfortable.
Then turn your attention to the tailbone and imagine that this is your ponytail. Bending your lower back as you inhale, “fluff” it, that is, relax the muscles of the pelvic floor. But in no case do not push in the perineum, you just need to relax. Then, as you round your lower back as you exhale, contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you were tucking your ponytail under you.
Repeat this exercise several times.
5. Strong pelvic floor muscles
Purpose of the exercise: strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Lead time: 2-3 minutes for each side.
Lie on your left side and bend your knees. In this position, start breathing with your stomach: you can put your palm on it to better feel its movements. Take a slow breath in and out with your stomach, then begin to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles very gently.
Watch your palm: if the stomach is still tense, direct your attention to relaxing it. After completing this exercise, roll over to the other side and repeat all over again. For more comfort, you can put a pillow under your head.