Shrovetide is one of the most interesting folk holidays: delicious pancakes, fortune-telling, continuous entertainment.
Food & Mood has already written about the meaning of all the days of Shrovetide week. And today we will talk about what is allowed and what is prohibited on these days.
No meat
It is believed that no meat products are allowed on Shrovetide. This is milk and cheese week. But this prohibition does not apply to fish, you can safely put it inside pancakes.
No fights
It is popularly believed that during the Pancake Week it is under no circumstances to be angry, use foul language, conceal resentment, and swear. This is especially true of people close to you. Indeed, after Maslenitsa, Great Lent will immediately begin, for which one should prepare in advance.
No dust
Contrary to popular belief, Maslenitsa does not cancel cleaning the house – on the contrary, you need to tidy up properly so that you can meet the first week of Lent clean. The Church believes that it is possible and even necessary to work during the Meat Week.
True, it is advisable to do all the chores on the “narrow Pancake week” – from Monday to Wednesday, so that the “wide Pancake week” – from Thursday to Sunday – is entirely devoted to the holiday.
No boredom
Festivities, entertainment, pancakes and visiting are the main traditions of the festive week. If a person sat at home, did not bake pancakes, did not see relatives, this was considered disrespect for the holiday.
Recall that earlier we told our beloved readers what savory fillings can be put into pancakes, and also shared recipes for chocolate pancakes, Moroccan pancakes made from foam dough, pancakes with mayonnaise, and also told how to make a pancake cake.
Happy Shrovetide!