- “A healthy body is the basis of happiness, it is important to pay attention to it”
- “I don’t perceive ailments as a sign of age”
- “You need to check women’s health annually, then many problems can be avoided”
- “My body is not the same anymore, it takes much longer to recover, and this is frustrating, infuriating, angry”
- “If I didn’t do anything, I would have crumbled by now”
- “On the Web, information is available, but not always correct”
- 4 steps to enjoy maturity
At 35, a person can feel ten years younger or ten years older – it depends on the biological age of his body. Over the years, the social status of a woman can change, physical and psychological transformations can occur. How to accept yourself at a new age, feel good and enjoy life – let’s ask the women themselves and experts.
“A healthy body is the basis of happiness, it is important to pay attention to it”
Natalia, 37 years old, entrepreneur
“I am glad that I am no longer 20. There is a confidence that was not there at the beginning of my career. Then I had to learn a lot and listen to experienced colleagues. Experience helps not to get lost in any situation. I’m sure I can figure it out and do the right thing.
With age, awareness and understanding appeared that we must first of all take care of ourselves, and not others. This alone has a positive effect. Now I know myself better and understand how to help myself, improve something, restore something.
A healthy body, it seems to me, is the basis of happiness, so it is important to pay attention to it: engage in prevention, visit doctors, drink vitamins, listen to yourself.
With age, I learned to find “my” doctors – strong professionals who can be trusted. When a doctor knows you, you can go to him with various problems, even consult remotely.”
“I don’t perceive ailments as a sign of age”
Ekaterina, 40 years old, psychologist
“I definitely felt better at 35 than at 20, both physically (many bad habits fell off) and morally (I stopped being afraid of a lot). I definitely don’t want to go back to 20 either externally or internally.
Age-related changes are not particularly worrying, because I understand that everything is in my hands. Both face and body. And everything that is not perfect is also my merit. Today, there are a lot of examples that you can look like envy young to death.
Now my back hurts, but I don’t dwell on it. I try to focus on sports and exercises for the back, the pool. And then it hurts much less. Still need a good mattress, and everything will work out.
I do not perceive ailments as a sign of age, but I consider this to be insufficient attention to my health and comfort. I prefer to decide for myself what to do with my health. I do not like interference in my life and even more so in my body. I don’t go to doctors. Although no, I go to the dentist.
“You need to check women’s health annually, then many problems can be avoided”
Oksana Titova, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, SmartMed telemedicine doctor
“After 35, metabolism can slow down. If you move a little, the muscles weaken. It is necessary to add physical activity. Otherwise, blood pressure may rise, blood glucose may increase – not yet diabetes, but already a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, diseases to which there is a genetic predisposition may worsen.
After 35, the activity of the gonads may decrease, due to which there is a risk that the hormonal balance will be disturbed. And this is the reason for early menopause, which, unfortunately, is now common, especially in megacities. You need to check women’s health annually, then all these problems can be avoided. If it so happened that early menopause has come, then the substitution therapy, properly selected together with the doctor, significantly improves the quality of life.
“My body is not the same anymore, it takes much longer to recover, and this is frustrating, infuriating, angry”
Julia, 36 years old, journalist
“For me, the period“ 20+ ”is not suitable for the age“ over 30 ”. According to my feelings, 20 is turbulence, a flurry of emotions, self-doubt, a complete misunderstanding of one’s place in life. “30+” is a relative understanding of oneself, the skill of building boundaries and the ability to communicate with others.
The main “but” of my age is health. My body is “not the same anymore”, it takes much longer to recover, and this is frustrating, infuriating, angry. But the main problem, of course, is my negligence.
I don’t like doctors since childhood: I was often sick, and the medical record in the children’s clinic was the size of a volume of Pushkin. And if earlier my parents forced me to go to them, now, having become an “adult”, I decided that I could do without it perfectly. And thus successfully missed the onset of depression six years ago, just when I was thirty. In the same way, for several years I was not diagnosed with vegetative crises (the so-called “panic without panic”): I passed out on the subway, once I didn’t even fly on vacation, but I had little idea which doctor to go to with my symptoms.
The most annoying thing is that even now, with all these stories in the anamnesis, I did not go to the doctors more often. This whole process – calling the clinic, making an appointment with a therapist, seeing him, getting a referral to a specialist – still seems too complicated for me. Perhaps I will wait until they come up with some convenient technological thing that will help to avoid all this red tape and immediately understand what is wrong with me, which doctor to go to and what to do.
“If I didn’t do anything, I would have crumbled by now”
Alena, 40 years old, health specialist
“There are changes, but now I feel better and physically too. If I didn’t do anything, I’d already crumble. My mother and grandmother had health problems, they began to manifest themselves in me too, only much earlier.
I grew up in the North. The harsh climate, the lack of vitamins and essential nutrients did their job – I was a weak child, and by the age of 25 (after giving birth) serious chronic diseases began to emerge. And this despite the fact that I tried to lead a healthy lifestyle. Traditional medicine did not help.
Then we moved to Moscow, and then to St. Petersburg. The doctors in the capital had nothing new to offer. Then I turned to foreign experience: both in terms of medicine and in terms of psychological methods, I took up Ayurveda. I met people (they were about 50 and I was 30) who went in for sports: surfing, dancing, going to the gym and were in great shape. For me, they have become a guide.
I do not feel any restrictions: I have enough strength for study, work, sports. I support cognitive and physical abilities with the help of exercises, spiritual practices, nutrition, vitamins. Part of my job is to refer people to doctors. Some of them are simply afraid of them since childhood or do not know who to turn to. In this case, remote consultations help.
“On the Web, information is available, but not always correct”
Elena Lisitsina, therapist, SmartMed telemedicine doctor
“Many people don’t have enough time right now. Some people do not pay attention to the symptoms, drag it to the last and do not go to the doctors. Why is understandable: in my opinion, going to the doctor takes a long time. It’s easier to search on the Internet or ask friends. Information is available on the Web, but, unfortunately, it is not always correct from the point of view of medicine.
A lot has been written about the same fatigue on the Internet. But the fact that one woman has an alarming symptom, the other has simple fatigue. The doctor can find out what is the matter only by asking the person personally: how he gets tired, how often he feels tired, whether he sleeps at night, and so on.
As a doctor, I really like telemedicine. The patient can call the doctor on almost any issue and get recommendations on how to proceed, to get oriented. And about the diagnosis and treatment to learn already on internal reception.
You can save a lot of money if, before going to take tests in the laboratory, consult with your doctor about what studies will be enough for you to get an answer to your question. Extra tests are extra money.
4 steps to enjoy maturity
Tatyana Shcheglova, psychologist, gestalt practitioner, specialist in lies and systemic family therapy
“Age is a developmental stage that has time limits and is characterized by an ensemble of psychological and physiological changes. How to adjust the harmony in your ensemble with the advent of a new sound? Age “35+” Eric Erikson called the period of middle maturity. Before moving on to the steps that will help you live your maturity in a quality and useful way, take a short test – an analysis of the parameters of life when you reach maturity.
Write down the answers to the questions: What does my life mean by today? What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Did you find in the answers many concerns about the younger generation, not only about your children and grandchildren, but also about the world as a whole? So you accept the age of maturity and its features.
If the answers are dominated by the vector of concern only for oneself, satisfaction of individual needs and personal comfort, this is a manifestation of the negative pole of adulthood. There may be difficulties in matters related to success, identity, values, death, and marital crisis. To prevent such problems, it is worth changing the focus of attention.
Here are some steps you can take to help you enjoy life as an adult:
1. Increase joy every day. Look for the positive everywhere. Read a book or watch the movie Polina. Together with the heroine, learn to see the pleasant and useful in the most difficult situations.
2. Find a new activity that will add value to your life or make a dream come true. If you want to learn how to dance, now is the time to do it. If not today, then in what life?
3. Add regular exercise. So you keep the tone in the muscles and support the youthfulness of the brain.
4. Find or create a supportive community. Get out of the family into a space of like-minded people. Go to interest clubs. Create your own and unite people close to you in spirit.
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Smartmed = Smartmed. The SmartMed application is part of a complex of medical services for remote interaction between a medical worker and a patient (or his legal representative). Online consultations are consultations with a medical professional using telemedicine technologies. Telemedicine is medical care using telemedicine technologies. PJSC MTS. JSC Group of Companies Medsi. Persons LO-86-01-003442 dated October 22.10.2019, XNUMX,,”