It’s not just that these fluffy creatures manage to enslave us. They’re just space!
They are so cute that one touch of a cat’s paw can make us instantly change from anger to mercy and turn us from a fire-breathing monster into a lisp. They are so independent and at the same time so loving, and even warm, they also purr. In general, cats are practically small deities. But they are more complicated than they seem. These are not just lumps of fur. It’s a whole world.
1. Cats can make over a hundred different sounds. They meow, purr, squeak funny when they see prey that they cannot reach, purr melodiously, howl, snort and do a lot of other things. Dogs, by comparison, can only make about a dozen sounds.
2. Cats recognize the voice of their owner: if the owner calls, they will at least twitch their ear, but they will not react to the voice of a stranger.
3. Black cats are more loving than others. This is what they consider to be a messenger of misfortune. And in England black cats are given for weddings, in France they are considered harbingers of good luck, and in Asian countries they believe that a black cat attracts happiness into the house. But one thing is for sure: they sympathize with their owners more than cats of other colors.
4. There are 44 breeds of cats. The three most popular are Maine Coon, Siamese and Persian. Some of them, by the way, are very expensive.
5. Cats flew into space. More precisely, one cat. Her name was Felicette and she lived in France. Electrodes were implanted into Felicette’s brain, which sent a signal to the ground. The journey took place in 1963 – the cat returned safely to Earth.
6. Cats have more hearing sensitivity than humans and dogs. People, as we remember from the school physics course, hear sounds in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, dogs – up to 40 kHz, and cats – up to 64 kHz.
7. Cats are very fast. Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, runs at speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour. Cats – at a speed of up to 50 km. Here is a night hurricane sweeping through the apartment.
8. Scientists still don’t know how purring works. How do cats make this most enjoyable sound in the world? It has something to do with the vibration of the vocal cords, but how exactly is not entirely clear.
9. Cats give birth at a time from one to nine kittens. And the champion cat from England gave birth to 19 kittens at a time, 15 of them survived, gives figures
10. Cats, using their own pot, make it clear who is the boss. If they bury behind themselves, it means that they are ready to recognize some authority for you. If not, then no.
11. A cat’s brain is more like a human than a dog’s.
12. The first prehistoric cat appeared on Earth 30 million years ago. And the first domestic cats – 12 million years ago.
13. The largest cat is our Amur tiger. Its weight can reach 318 kilograms, and its length is 3,7 meters.
14. Cats do not like water genetically – their fur is designed to protect cats from splashing. There is only one breed whose representatives love to swim – the Turkish Van.
15. The oldest cat breed is the Egyptian Mau. Their ancestors appeared 4 thousand years ago.
16. The cat became the first animal cloned for money. The owner could not come to terms with the death of the pet and paid 50 thousand dollars to create a clone of his cat named Little Nikki.
17. It is believed that cats have a special group of cells in their brains that act as an internal compass. Therefore, cats are able to return home even hundreds of kilometers away. By the way, that’s why they say that the cat gets used to the place.
18. Cats don’t meow to each other. These sounds are for humans only. Of course, for the purpose of manipulating us.
19. An adult cat has the intelligence of a three-year-old child. Yes, the eternal tomboy. No, his curiosity will never be dulled.
20. 20 thousand hairs per square centimeter of skin are responsible for the fluffiness of a cat. Some would give a lot for such a head of hair!
21. Among cats there are right-handers and left-handers, as well as among people. Moreover, left-handers are more often cats, and right-handers are more often cats.
22. The cat, which is considered the champion in catching mice, has caught 30 thousand rodents in its life. Her name was Towser, she lived in Scotland, where a monument has now been erected to her.
23. At rest, a cat’s heart beats twice as fast as a human’s – at a speed of 110 to 140 beats per minute.
24. Cats are hypersensitive – they sense vibrations much more strongly than humans. They are able to sense an earthquake 10-15 minutes earlier than humans.
25. The color of cats is influenced by temperature. This was noticed on Siamese cats, of course. Cats of this breed have a magic gene that works wonders when a purr’s body temperature rises above a certain level. Their paws, muzzles, ears and the tip of the tail darken, while the rest of the fur remains light.
26… The first cat to become a cartoon character is Felix. It appeared on screens a hundred years ago, in 1919.
27. The biggest travel lover among cats is the kitten Hamlet. He escaped from the carrier and spent about seven weeks on the plane, having flown more than 600 thousand kilometers.
29. The first millionaire cat lived in Rome. Once he wandered, and then he was picked up by Maria Assunta, a very rich woman. The woman had no children, and the cat inherited her entire fortune – $ 13 million.
30. Many people think that cats are crazy about milk, but it can harm them. Even the purr has such a misfortune as lactose intolerance.