One of the most objective indicators of the quality of the body are not the numbers on the scale, and ratio of muscle and fat. Today we consider the question of how to measure percentage body fat at home, not resorting to services of professional nutritionists.
When you lose weight, it is important not just to lose weight, and get rid of fat. As a rule, even if to eat at a reasonable calorie deficit for every 3 kg of fat to leave 1 kg of muscle. But to determine this accurately and to adjust the nutrition and physical activity, it is important to monitor the amount of subcutaneous fat because the number on the scales will not always be indicative.
Muscle is heavier than fat, so even with the same weight, two people can have quite different as the body. The lower the percentage of body fat percentage and more muscle, the body will be more noticeable. In women due to the physiological reasons for more fat cells than men, so to build muscle female sex is always difficult.
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How to measure the percentage of body fat?
There are several simple ways how you can measure the percentage of body fat. Since each method is not 100% accurate, we suggest you to try several options for calculations.
1. Measurement of fat folds
The most convenient and accurate method for calculating percent body fat is considered a measurement of fat folds with a ruler. You can use a caliper, but you can buy a special device to measure fat percentage – calipers. It is an inexpensive cost, and it is ideal to measure the percentage of body fat.
The essence of this method of measurement? You measure the thickness of folds in four different places and based on this calculate the percentage of body fat in the body. The final result is as close to the real one, so this method is considered the best for measuring the body composition.
So, with the help of downhillers measure the thickness of folds in four different places:
- Triceps: midway between shoulder and elbow joint with a rear side of the arm.
- Biceps: midway between shoulder and elbow joint with a front side of the arm.
- Blade: fold is taken just below the blade at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Waist: 8-10 cm to the right or left of the navel at the same level.
For clarity, shown in the figure:
Then you need to add all 4 values and find the label number of the received amount (first column). Please note that even with the same thickness of folds in men and women body fat percentage will be different:
2. With the help of scales-analyzers of body composition
Now commercially available electronic scales-analyzers of a new generation, which measure fat percentage and muscle mass with the help of modern technology. The device provides the user with a number of important indicators, including the ratio of bone, fat and muscle mass, the amount of water in the body. On the accuracy of the data there are different opinions, but these scales are very convenient to use at home.
3. Using different calculators
In the Internet there are many different calculators that measure the percentage of body fat based data on the age, height, weight and volumes. We offer you two calculator — you can try both and compare the data:
- The first calculator
- The second calculator
This method does not differ a jeweler’s precision, because the measurements are carried out on the basis of the volume of the body.
If you lose weight and control the quality of your body, try 1-2 times per month to measure the percentage of body fat. This will help you not mindlessly to drop those extra pounds, and systematically improve body composition.
In the process of losing weight should not focus only on the numbers on the scales. You can maintain a stable weight, but decrease fat mass and increase muscle. And can lose weight, but at the expense of water and muscle. Track volume, follow the changes on the photos, measure the percentage of body fat, and then you will be able to lay down more objective picture.
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body fat concept and method of mesurment