The Bodybuilding Open Cup of the Yaroslavl Region is the main competition in the region, which has been attended by bodybuilders from all over the country since 2007. For seven years, the competition among the owners of the most beautiful bodies has grown both in composition and in the number of participants. If the first tournament gathered 70 athletes, then the 2015 competition – 200 bodybuilders. The geography of the participants also expanded. Today, eminent athletes from the Moscow region, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and all nearby regions are striving to get to the Yaroslavl tournament. This year we were visited by guests from the south – from the Chechen Republic – about 15 regions in total.
The Open Cup of the Yaroslavl Region in bodybuilding opens a new season in this sport and today is one of the largest tournaments in the central part of Russia. We add that the athletes are interested in this tournament, among other things, because the competitions there are held in the same nominations as in the Russian championship. This means that bodybuilders have a great opportunity to “rehearse” the main competitions of the country.
Yaroslavl at the open cup was represented by about 40 athletes, including both experienced bodybuilders and beginners.
It is very pleasant that our team did not disappoint: Alexey Borisov (master of sports, champion of Russia), Vladislav Moshkin (master of sports, champion of Russia) – became gold medalists, Nikolai Solontsev (master of sports, champion of Russia) – took silver. Our girls Olga Babikova (2nd place) and Daria Bobina, the hope of Yaroslavl bodybuilding, also showed themselves well.
Men competed in the “Bodybuilding” nominations – the most widespread and spectacular category of male bodybuilding. Its essence is that athletes are divided by age (juniors, men, masters) and weight categories from 80 to 95 kg and above. Also, classic bodybuilding was presented, which requires a tighter framework, since athletes are divided into categories in strict accordance with the allowable ratio of height and weight. And besides, Yaroslavl residents saw the youngest type of bodybuilding – “beach” bodybuilding, or the Mans physicist (Men’s Physique). Created for those men who follow the body and its proportions, but do not want (or cannot according to their physical characteristics) participate in the categories “Bodybuilding” and “Classic Bodybuilding”. It is believed that it is this nomination that better than others popularizes a healthy lifestyle and the desire to have a beautiful body.
Women performed in the following nominations: bodybuilding (in this type, the judges look, like in men, at muscle volumes), fitness (gymnastic training is added), body fitness (everything is the same as fitness, but without gymnastics) and bikini – beach , that is, lightweight body fitness.
The refereeing team is represented by qualified coaches and athletes, among whom, for example, was our eminent athlete Ivan Surovtsev, champion of the Moscow region; prize-winner of the Russian Cup in the category up to 90 kg, participant of the Arnold Classic Madrid 2014 (7th place), vice-champion of Russia in 2014.
You can watch the performances in the Woman’s Day photo gallery.