- 1. Chronic neck pain
- 2. hair loss
- 3. Formation of papillomas
- 4. Peeling nails
- 5. Increased appetite
- 6. Constant thirst
- 7. Bad breath
- 8. Long healing wounds
- 9. Hrap
- 10. Skin problems
- 11. Change in the color of the white of the eyes
- 12. Temperature intolerance
- 13. Swelling of the legs
- 14. Weight loss
- 15. Irregular or painful periods
- 16. Persistent headaches
- 17. Dramatic mood swings
- 18. Appearance of bruises
- 19. Night sweats
- 20. Chapped lips
At first glance, innocuous symptoms – weight loss, hair loss, or snoring – can signal serious health problems.
Thinking that you are healthy and actually being healthy are two completely different things. You can go to the gym several times a week, brush your teeth after every meal, sleep 8 hours a day, and not even suspect that something is wrong with your body. It’s time to sort out the non-obvious symptoms that may indicate serious problems. When it comes to health, knowledge is power.
1. Chronic neck pain
An 8-hour workday spent in an uncomfortable position at the computer can cause neck and back pain. If the muscles are not unloaded, this can lead to impaired blood circulation – the vertebral arteries that deliver blood from the heart to the brain pass through the vertebrae. At the very least, this is fraught with dizziness, headaches and a constant feeling of fatigue, as a maximum – the development of hypertension. To avoid such complications, properly organize your workplace: do not slouch, place the monitor at a convenient distance from your eyes so as not to reach for it. When sitting, your feet should be on the floor at a 90 degree angle, do not stack them one on top of the other. Get up every hour to do a little warm-up or just walk down the hall for a few minutes.
2. hair loss
According to nutritionists, this symptom is often an indicator of insufficient protein in the diet. If not balanced, it can lead to serious consequences – from chronic fatigue to impaired functioning of the immune system. Other reasons are hormonal disruptions, iron deficiency, impaired blood circulation, the effects of stress. In any case, if you run your hand over your head and you have a lot of lost hair, this is a reason to see a doctor.
3. Formation of papillomas
If papillomas appear on the skin, it’s a matter of cholesterol. According to functional medicine specialists, some skin lesions (also called xanthelasmates) may be associated with abnormal cholesterol metabolism. Especially if they appear around the eyes. You should see your doctor as soon as possible and have your lipid levels checked. If the underlying problem is cholesterol, it’s best to fix it right away, before it turns into something more serious than just a cosmetic flaw.
4. Peeling nails
One of the reasons for the deformation of the nail plate is poor-quality varnish. But there is also a more serious one – a lack in the body of such beneficial trace elements as zinc, silicon, calcium and amino acids. If a color change was added to the cosmetic troubles – a bluish tint appeared – it’s time to run to a cardiologist, this is one of the signs of diseases of the cardiovascular system. White dots signal an increase in blood sugar, and a change in shape – an iron deficiency. The last two signs can appear due to changes in living conditions or a strict diet.
5. Increased appetite
It is natural to feel hungry, but an obsessive desire to eat something can be the result of too strict a diet. The fashion for slimness and a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that many deliberately try to lose weight, which leads to an unbalanced diet and even psychological disorders associated with a lack of appetite. The latter, by the way, have the highest mortality rate among other disorders.
6. Constant thirst
The urge to drink water after an intense workout is normal. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and are constantly thirsty – a completely different matter. This could be a sign of blood sugar imbalance, an early sign of insulin problems or even diabetes, nutritionists warn.
7. Bad breath
It does not appear only after you have eaten a dish of onions for lunch. This is usually a consequence of gingivitis, a disease of the gums. This might not seem like a big deal, but there is a link between poor gum health and vascular inflammation, which can lead to heart disease. Did you notice this for yourself? It’s time to make an appointment with the dentist.
8. Long healing wounds
If the abrasions take longer to heal than necessary, and you are not an elderly person and do not have diabetes, this may be a consequence of vitamin deficiency. Calcium, zinc, vitamins A, B and D are involved in the restoration of damaged cells. If at the same time nails began to exfoliate and hair fall out, a visit to the doctor should definitely not be postponed.
9. Hrap
This is not only annoying, but also one of the subtle signs of a serious health problem – sleep apnea, short-term respiratory arrest during sleep. This causes many problems, especially in terms of heart disease. Other, no less alarming, causes of snoring are overwork, malfunction of the thyroid gland, allergies or inflammation in the bronchi.
10. Skin problems
Improper skin care cannot lead to serious problems with it. Dryness, acne, and eczema can be a sign of allergies, inflammation in the body, or bowel problems.
11. Change in the color of the white of the eyes
Even a slight yellowing of proteins can be a sign that the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder is malfunctioning.
12. Temperature intolerance
Also called heat, or cold, intolerance, it can be a sign of a thyroid problem. Symptoms of fever intolerance, especially if they are first onset, require a medical evaluation to check the thyroid gland and look for other potential medical problems.
13. Swelling of the legs
Swelling of the legs after a long flight is normal. But if it happens every day, it’s time to sound the alarm. Heart interruptions cause poor circulation, and swollen feet and ankles can be an early sign of a weakening heart.
14. Weight loss
You can enjoy melting kilograms only if you follow a diet (and then only by agreement with a specialist). But if the weight goes away for no apparent reason, this is a reason to undergo an examination. The reasons for this are compelling – this behavior of the body can speak of metabolic disorders, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorders of intoxication, or even cancer. Make an appointment with a therapist, he will conduct an examination and appoint a consultation with a specialized doctor.
15. Irregular or painful periods
Many women consider this to be the norm, but in fact, how your period goes is a vital indicator. Heavy, irregular, or painful periods can indicate anything from a thyroid condition to fibroids. Studies have shown that young women with irregular menstrual periods are more likely to be diagnosed with hormonal deficiencies, which can develop into osteoporosis.
16. Persistent headaches
There are many reasons for discomfort – stress, overwork, hormonal imbalance, arterial hypertension, eye strain, or the onset of multiple sclerosis. In no case can you drown the headache with painkillers – long-term and uncontrolled medication will not only worsen the situation, but also prevent you from determining the root cause. The best thing to do is to consult a doctor, neurologist, or therapist.
17. Dramatic mood swings
This is a common situation with hormonal changes in the body – during adolescence, pregnancy, or during menopause. Other reasons are stress, depression, improper diet, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular disease. Speaking of nutrition, the consumption of coffee affects our emotional state and health in general. Scientists have found that excessive consumption of caffeine can increase anxiety, hostility, and psychotic symptoms. A safe norm per day is no more than three cups of coffee.
18. Appearance of bruises
From time to time we find bruises on our feet, the origin of which is unknown. If there is a lot and this happens often, it’s time to see a therapist or hematologist. According to doctors, this may be a symptom of a malfunction of the hematopoietic system – from a blood clotting problem to serious diseases. It is also a sign of a lack of vitamin C, disruption of the endocrine or central nervous system.
19. Night sweats
It can be associated with medication or body intoxication. But it is also one of the signs of hyperthyroidism – an increased level of hormones in the thyroid gland (in this case, after the tests, the doctor will prescribe a special diet), hypoglycemia – a sharp decrease in blood sugar or even lymphoma. As you understand, do not delay the medical examination.
20. Chapped lips
If your lips are chapped and dry in mid-December, then harsh winds and falling temperatures are likely to blame. But if it’s mid-summer and your lips are still not well hydrated, you may be dealing with a host of problems, from allergies and dehydration to infections and diabetes. It is worth visiting a doctor to try and diagnose and correct the problem.