2 week of pregnancy: what comes from conception, signs, discharge, the test will show

At the 2nd week of pregnancy, the characteristic symptoms are mild. Determining whether fertilization was successful is difficult. Modern diagnostic methods are not able to give a reliable result at such an early date. Only sensitive women can track changes.

The second week of pregnancy is a special time. There is no embryo in the woman’s body yet, since obstetricians calculate the gestational period not from conception, the time of which is difficult to determine, but from the last menstruation (moreover, the period is counted from the onset of bleeding). Therefore, in the 2nd week of pregnancy, it is time to prepare the female body for ovulation . Depending on the duration of the cycle, which ranges from 26 to 34 days, ovulation will occur at the end of this or the beginning of next week. And accordingly, with intimacy, conception can occur.

Description of the 2rd week of pregnancy

Experts count the gestation period from the last menstrual period. This is how obstetric weeks are calculated. The embryonic term is calculated from the middle of the cycle. In theory, ovulation occurs during this period. However, in practice, it is difficult to establish its exact date. A woman finds out about her situation only after a delay in menstruation.

2 week of pregnancy: what comes from conception, signs, discharge, the test will show
In the 2nd week of pregnancy, the egg prepares for fertilization

Obstetric week 2 is a preparatory stage. The female body is rebuilding itself to increase the chances of successful fertilization. The maturation of the egg is completed, and ovulation occurs. It can be tracked using a special test or in the gynecologist’s office. The embryonic approach involves fixing the ovum at this time. It is already beginning to develop in the uterine cavity.

What happens during this period?

Ovulation begins in the body, which will allow fertilization to take place. It falls on the 10-15th day of the menstrual cycle. This day is individual for every woman, so it is difficult to define it. The specialist calculates the day of fertilization based on the data on the last menstruation. Therefore, in fact, there is no pregnancy during this period. The process of conception is at an early stage.

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you need to keep an ovulation calendar. The sooner the future mom starts him, the easier it will be to calculate a successful date for fixing the egg.

Advance scheduling improves scheduling accuracy

The most suitable period for fertilization is the moment the egg leaves the fallopian tube. According to statistics, every third child was conceived at this moment. Basal temperature will help determine the right day. It decreases at the time of ovulation, and increases the next day. The woman’s libido increases, and there is also a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. These symptoms need to be noted on the calendar.

Description of signs of pregnancy

Symptoms of pregnancy at this time are mild. Nevertheless, a woman may experience some specific sensations. The breasts become more sensitive. It may increase slightly. Touching the nipples causes discomfort.

2 Weeks Pregnant - Your Second Week Of Pregnancy
What Happens to the Egg Will Make Conception Possible

Hormonal changes affect the digestive system. In the morning, nausea appears from the sight and smell of food. The rest of the day, the appetite increases. The feeling of hunger appears more often. More food is needed to satisfy it.

Salivation becomes more active. Excess saliva upsets the acid balance in the stomach. Because of this, discomfort and heaviness arise. A woman is faced with heartburn, even if she was not previously prone to it.

Abdominal pains are normally pulling in nature. They resemble the discomfort that comes with your period. If the pain is severe and prolonged, it indicates embryo rejection. It is excreted naturally from the body during menstruation.

During ovulation, the appearance of a mucous substance is the norm. In appearance, it resembles the protein of a chicken egg. There is no specific smell and color. If the mass has a viscous curdled structure, you should consult a doctor. This symptom is characteristic of thrush.

2 week of pregnancy: what comes from conception, signs, discharge, the test will show
Clear signs of pregnancy will appear after fertilization of the egg

The appearance of implantation bleeding is not a cause for panic. It shows the successful attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus. A small amount of blood clots may be present in the mucous mass. Intense bleeding indicates unsuccessful fertilization.

Minor blood streaks and bleeding must be distinguished from each other

Bleeding is often caused by periods. They occur if the egg has not been fertilized. The appearance of menstruation on the wrong day of the cycle is a sign of a gynecological disease. This should be reported to the doctor.

At this time, an ultrasound scan will help to accurately determine the day of ovulation. The study will determine the state of the follicle. This will track the maturation of the egg. If a woman is unable to get pregnant, the specialist will choose a suitable day for intercourse. Ultrasound diagnostics reveals the readiness of the uterus for fertilization. The anchored embryo looks like a tiny dark spot on the scanner.

A pregnancy test will give an informative result after a delay. It is produced at any time, but the most reliable data can be obtained in the morning. This is due to the concentration of hormones in the morning urine.

At this time, it is impossible to accurately establish pregnancy. It can serve as a starting point for planning a child.

Women’s health: What you need to know?

When the expectant mother approaches the second week, planning and looking forward to pregnancy, it is worth monitoring the state of health during the ovulatory period and the time of the possible conception of your crumbs.

During the 2nd week of pregnancy, the likely signs of ovulation and subjective feelings can tell you when is the best time to have sex in order to give life to the baby. The likelihood that ovulation has already occurred or is close is high if a woman notices the following signs.


Change in the type and consistency of cervical mucus

It becomes like egg white. As the day of ovulation approaches, the cervical mucus will become clear, thinner, sticky and viscous, like egg white. Due to this consistency, it is easier for the male germ cells to move inside the uterus and tubes in order to reach the egg. During this period, intimacy should be frequent.


Sense of smell

Although it may seem surprising, it is physiology! The hormonal shifts taking place in the body increase the ability of the female nose to capture various odors. This is an ancient mechanism that causes a woman to subconsciously respond to a man’s pheromones, increasing sexual desire. This is necessary in order to give life to the child.


Soreness or tightness, swelling of the breast

Hormonal surges, characteristic of the ovulatory period, can cause mild soreness or slight swelling, swelling of the mammary glands.


Discomfort, mild pelvic pain

During the second week of pregnancy, one of the ovaries releases an egg from the follicle, the expectant mother may feel pressure, slight soreness, pulling pains in one side of the lower abdomen. This phenomenon, when the stomach pulls, is called Mittelschmerz (Mittelshmerz) or ovulation pain, after the doctor who first documented it.


Light smearing spots

In the same period, small spots that have a brown or reddish tint can be noticed on the linen, especially if the stomach pulls. While light and small bleeding is acceptable, it’s worth talking to your doctor if it’s more than just occasional spotting between periods, or if the spotting is bothering you.


Increased sex drive

During ovulation, there is often an increased libido. The body of a woman subconsciously influences her behavior, influences the processes of arousal in order to increase the chances of conception.


Сervical changes

If a woman regularly checks her cervix by visiting a planner, the doctor notes external changes in the cervical area. During this period, the cervical area rises, softens, opens slightly in order to facilitate the penetration of seminal fluid into the uterus.

Some women buy an ovulation kit from the pharmacy to predict the days when they might be most fertile. The simplest strategy is to have sex every other day from about the 10th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, from the end of the second to the beginning of the third week.

How does the stomach change in the second week of pregnancy

If conception occurs during this period, its first symptoms may not be felt immediately. A woman cannot know for sure if she has become pregnant until a sufficient level of a specific “pregnant” hormone has accumulated in her blood and urine. It is called hCG and it is determined by tests (and also determined by a blood test).

A sufficient amount of hCG, which is detected during a test at home, in the morning portion of urine, rises by about the fourth or fifth week. This period is about 2-3 weeks of pregnancy from conception. During this period, there are usually delays in the next menstruation, and the concentration of hormones is sufficient to manifest the first symptoms of pregnancy.


Although some expectant mothers may notice changes in the body literally immediately after the delay, the stomach will not increase in the second week of pregnancy, since there is no fetus yet, and the growth of the uterus, respectively, too.

How soon do symptoms of an interesting situation appear?

In some women, the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear within a few days after conception, at the earliest possible time. These may be purely physical symptoms or a feeling that something has changed in the body. Most expectant mothers in the early stages may not feel any changes in their body until they see a positive pregnancy test result.

If conception occurred at the 2nd week of pregnancy, here are the symptoms that may soon appear:
  • Stains on linen. Approximately 5-10 days after conception, small spotting may be noticed. This is because the embryo is implanted in the lining of the uterus.
  • Frequent urination. Pregnancy hormones may prompt a woman to go to the toilet more often during the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Sore breasts and/or darker areolas. Almost immediately after the appearance of these hormones, the woman’s body begins to prepare the breast for feeding the baby.
  • Fatigue. This is the first clue for some women who are expecting a baby. This is due to the fact that the body will use a lot of energy for the development of the fetus.
  • Morning sickness. Probably the most well-known symptom of pregnancy, nausea usually begins to plague mothers around the 4th to 9th week.
  • Bloating. When the body begins to understand that the development of the fetus has begun, it will likely slow down the digestion process in order to deliver more nutrients to the baby. This fact can lead to gas and bloating.

Ultrasound at 2 weeks pregnant

Most women do not have an ultrasound at 2 weeks pregnant. Sometimes the doctor controls ovulation, and then the conception is planned according to the study. If you look inside your belly during ovulation, it looks something like this: first, one ovary releases an egg (smaller than a grain of ground pepper) into the fallopian tube, where it must be fertilized within 12-24 hours. If a couple has had sex within the past five to six days, there may still be live sperm inside the fallopian tubes, and one of them may fertilize an egg.


Tips for expectant mothers

The most favorable period has come to try. At 2 weeks pregnant, the woman isn’t actually pregnant yet, but is probably in the most favorable part of her cycle, so it’s time to have sex! It is important to do this regularly (although the best time depends on the individual cycle to maximize the chance of getting pregnant).

Trying to conceive will be much more fun if you can relax and enjoy the process. In addition, stress can make it less likely that a pregnancy will come as quickly as expected.

Try to include relaxing, soothing activities in your life, such as yoga classes or daily reading with a cup of tea. This is great for general mental health, but it can also help fertilize an egg.

The female body is about to start a new big job, so you need to treat it with care. You need to drink plenty of water and eat well, give up bad habits such as smoking or drinking too much coffee.

Just in case, it is best to stop drinking alcohol and engage in regular moderate exercise.

It is also important to continue taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid daily.

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