15th week of pregnancy (17 weeks)
15 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?
In this 15ème semaine de grossesse , soit 17 SA, the fetus measures 16 cm, its foot 2 cm and its skull 4 cm in diameter. It weighs 135 g.
The 15 week fetus moves more vigorously. These movements are essential for its proper development: they allow the cartilage of the different joints to wear out and ensure the flexion-extension movements of the different segments.
Its different senses continue to develop. The eyelids remain closed but underneath her eyes are formed and her retina is sensitive to light. On his tongue, taste buds form.
À 17 SA, les reins du fœtus sont fonctionnels et rejettent les urines dans le liquide amniotique.
In utero, the baby does not breathe with his lungs. He draws his oxygen from his mother’s blood, via the placenta and the umbilical cord. His lungs continue to mature until the end, but they already have pseudo-respiratory movements: the chest rises and falls. During these movements, the fetus aspirates amniotic fluid and rejects it.
Ce liquide amniotique, véritable cocon aquatique pour le bébé, remplit différentes fonctions :
- a mechanical role: it absorbs shocks, protects the baby from noise, ensures a constant temperature, prevents compression of the cord. It also allows the fetus to move freely and develop its bronchi and pulmonary alveoli through pseudo-respiratory movements;
- an antibacterial role: sterile, the amniotic fluid protects the fetus from germs that can rise from the vagina;
- a nutritional role: it provides water and mineral salts to the fetus which continuously absorbs this liquid via the mouth and the skin.
Starting the 4th month of pregnancy, the placenta takes over from the corpus luteum and secretes progesterone, a pregnancy maintenance hormone, and estrogen.
Where is the mother’s body at 15 weeks pregnant?
Three months pregnant, either 15 weeks pregnant, the heart and blood systems are in full swing. The level of red blood cells rises quickly in order to deliver the necessary oxygen to the fetus. At the end of this 4th month of pregnancy, the blood volume will be 45% greater than outside of pregnancy. This blood flow is particularly visible at the level of the various mucous membranes. Thus, it is not uncommon to suffer from frequent nosebleeds during pregnancy.
At 17 weeks of gestation (15 weeks), the breast is less sensitive but it continues to gain volume due to the development of the vascular network, acini (small glands that produce milk) and milk ducts. During the second trimester, the breasts begin to produce colostrum, this first thick and yellow milk, very rich in nutrients, which the newborn baby absorbs at birth and until the flow of milk arrives. There is sometimes a small discharge of colostrum during pregnancy.
This is the start of 2nd quarter and the future multiparous mother can begin to perceive the movements of her baby, especially at rest. If it is a first baby, on the other hand, it will take another one or two weeks.
Under the influence of hormonal impregnation and vascular changes, different dermatological manifestations may occur: new nevi (moles) may appear, superficial angiomas or stellate angiomas.
Which foods to favor at 15 weeks of pregnancy (17 weeks)?
Le 4th month of pregnancy, the mother-to-be must continue to maintain excellent hydration for her body. The water allows waste to be drained, via the kidneys of the pregnant woman and those of the 15-week-old fetus, which are functional at this stage. Water also prevents dehydration and fatigue during pregnancy. Finally, water participates in the transport of nutrients in the cells of the body. Drinking 1,5 L of water daily is therefore strongly recommended, especially during the 9 months of pregnancy. In addition to water, it is possible to drink herbal teas and coffee, preferably without caffeine. Fruit or vegetable juices are also full of water. It is better that they are, preferably, homemade and free of sugars.
À 17 weeks of amenorrhea (15 SG), it is high time for the mother-to-be to adapt her diet to her condition, until childbirth. There are a few foods to avoid throughout pregnancy, such as:
raw, smoked or marinated meat and fish;
raw milk cheeses;
seafood or raw eggs;
la charcuterie ;
sprouted seeds.
On the other hand, to prevent a possible fetal abnormality, the consumption of certain foods should be limited, such as soy, sweeteners or large fish.
Some behaviors can be taken such as washing hands thoroughly before and after handling raw meat or soil-soiled vegetables and fruits, consuming well-cooked meat, fish and eggs, and pasteurized milk cheeses.
Things to remember at 17:XNUMX PM
- request the national priority card from the Family Allowance Fund. This card is issued free of charge on request to the CAF of its department, by email or post. By virtue of articles R215-3 to R215-6 of the Code of social action and families, it gives during the whole pregnancy a right of priority for access to the offices and counters of administrations and public services and to public transport.
- make an appointment for the 5th month visit, 3rd of the 7 compulsory prenatal visits.
Ce 2nd quarter pregnancy is generally the one where the mother-to-be is the least tired. Be careful, however: you still have to be careful. If fatigue or pain are felt, rest is essential. If there is a time when you have to listen to your “intuition” and stay tuned to your body, it is pregnancy.
We do not yet know all the effects of certain chemical compounds, and in particular those of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) on the development of the fetus. By virtue of the precautionary principle, it is therefore better to avoid exposure to these products as much as possible. These nine months are an opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle by opting for organic foods (especially fruits and vegetables), natural or organic beauty products. Many classic household cleaning products are also not recommended during pregnancy. They can be replaced by their ecological equivalent or by natural products – white vinegar, black soap, baking soda, Marseille soap – in homemade recipes. In the event of work in the house, choose products emitting the least VOCs (class A +). Even with this precaution, however, the mother-to-be is not recommended to participate in the work. We will also ensure that the room is well ventilated.
Pictures of the 15-week-old fetus
Pregnancy week by week: 13th week of pregnancy 14th week of pregnancy 16th week of pregnancy 17th week of pregnancy |