15 week of pregnancy from conception
Light, sound, taste – a baby at the 15th week of pregnancy from conception is already able to respond to them. It’s time to take up his aesthetic education: turn on pleasant music for the child, talk with him

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks

At the 15th week of pregnancy from conception, the head and neck of the child gradually straighten due to the development of the back muscles. The baby’s body is growing rapidly. As long as his eyelids are closed and his lips and nostrils are open. The baby can already suck his finger and swallow the amniotic fluid, and if it seems tasty to him, he will take a larger sip, and if not, then a smaller one.

The child’s ears are fully developed, so parents can already communicate with him, turn on music for him, talk about the world.

The baby’s skeleton is becoming more and more durable, cartilage is turning into bones, and so far there are already 300 of them. After birth, many of them will grow together and the number of bones will decrease by almost a third.

Buds continue to form. They begin to excrete urine, thanks to which the amniotic fluid is constantly replenished.

The movements of the child become more active. At this time, many mothers who have already had children are able to feel the baby move.

From the 15th week, the baby begins to form a fatty layer, which after birth will help him maintain a normal body temperature. Soon, thanks to her, his skin will smooth out and the vessels will become less noticeable.

Fetal ultrasound

– Ultrasound of the fetus at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy from conception is referred to as the second screening. The main task of an ultrasound at this time is to identify fetal malformations. In addition, ultrasound helps to navigate the timing of pregnancy, if they have not been fully clarified, and calculate the expected date of birth, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Mikhailova. – Also at this time it is already possible to determine the sex of the child, if the genitals are available for examination.

In addition to data on possible malformations, ultrasound of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy from conception will give the doctor information about the state of the mother herself and the “environment” of the baby – the placenta, uterus.

– During an ultrasound scan at 15 weeks of gestation, it is important to obtain data on the condition and location of the placenta (for example, marginal or complete presentation, when it covers the internal cervical os), on the length of the cervix (it should not be shorter than 25-30 mm and internal pharynx must be closed). Shortening of the cervix to 25 mm is already considered isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is fraught with abortion, so it is necessary to take preventive measures. In addition, fetal ultrasound will provide information on the amount of amniotic fluid; the state of the uterus and appendages (the presence of myomatous nodes and their growth, tumor-like formations in the ovaries), the doctor explains.

Photo life

At the 15th week of pregnancy from conception, the baby is already quite large – about 12 cm tall, and its weight reaches about 100 grams. It is similar in size to a large orange.

– At a period of 15-16 weeks from conception, the uterus is already leaving the small pelvis, and in thin women, a rounded tummy begins to be determined. But the most noticeable belly becomes from 18-20 weeks, or by obstetric standards from 20-22 weeks, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Mikhailova.

What happens to mom at 15 weeks

At the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy, some women, who usually have already given birth, begin to feel the movements of the crumbs in their tummy.

– At the 15th week of pregnancy, the movements of the baby are still slightly noticeable, especially in women for whom this pregnancy is the first. But each organism is individual, so there may be various deviations from the norm. Most clearly, movements begin to be determined from the 20-22th obstetric weeks, says obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Mikhailova.

The uterus gradually grows upward and begins to put more and more pressure on the abdominal organs. With sudden movements, a pregnant woman may feel pain that provokes the ligamentous apparatus. This should not cause concern for the expectant mother.

By the 15th week of pregnancy, women, as a rule, put on weight from 2 to 4,5 kilograms. Add to this a growing tummy and a shifting center of gravity and we get some awkwardness in movements. Doctors recommend switching to more comfortable shoes without high heels.

During this period, the developing baby needs more and more nutrients, so the mother’s body works in an accelerated mode. To replenish energy, get more rest and eat right. If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to physical activity, start performing a set of exercises for pregnant women to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and learn how to breathe correctly.

Doctors now recommend sleeping on your back less often. The uterus increases in size and, in the supine position, presses on important blood vessels, which is why the child may receive less blood and nutrients that it carries. Learn to sleep on your side with a pillow behind your back, this is the safest position for this period.

What sensations can you experience in 15 week

For most women, the 15th week of pregnancy from conception, and the second trimester in general, is easy. At this time, you need to walk as much as possible and lead an active lifestyle while it is available. However, it is still not worth overworking and supercooling.

The sensations that a mother can experience at the 15th week of pregnancy from conception are sometimes very different.

  1. Sweating may increase. This is due to the increased volume of fluid in the body, there is nothing dangerous here.
  2. There may be discharge from the genital tract, by the way, for the same reason. If the discharge is normal, without reddish hues and odor, there is no need to worry.
  3. Minor nosebleeds or gum bleeding may occur. Again, the blood is to blame, whose volume has increased. Increased blood circulation increases the load on the vessels, including in the gums and sinuses, hence the bleeding.
  4. Frequent urge to go to the toilet, which can only be put up with.
  5. Constipation, as the growing uterus can compress the intestines.

Some mothers notice that they began to see more dreams. Doctors explain this by the fact that pregnant women simply wake up more often – to use the toilet or because of seizures – which means that when they fall asleep they see a new dream. Sometimes dreams can occur due to physical and emotional changes in the body.


Blood during pregnancy does not necessarily mean something bad, but bleeding can be different. If at the beginning of pregnancy, scanty spotting is quite natural and is often observed during fetal implantation, then in the second trimester they usually do not occur normally.

There may be light red discharge in mucus with vaginal secretions that appear after intercourse. Especially often if a woman has cervical erosion. This is not a reason to panic, the mucous membrane of a pregnant woman becomes more vulnerable, easily damaged. Remember that blood at this time can come from the nose, and from the gums, the same applies to the vagina?

Another thing is if the bleeding is profuse and is accompanied by pain and a feeling of petrification in the uterus, with such symptoms it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Stomach ache

– As the uterus continues to grow, the woman may continue to feel some heaviness in the lower abdomen and sides. Many women are afraid of this condition and regard it as a threat of interruption. At this time, it is already possible to feel the uterus and assess its tone. This is done lying down. If the uterus is soft and the length of the cervix is ​​more than 30 mm, the internal os is closed, then subjective sensations of heaviness in the lower abdomen are not regarded as a threat of interruption. Some soreness on the sides may be due to a sprain of the round ligaments of the uterus. If problems with the intestines are excluded, – explains the obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Mikhailova.

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Brown discharge

Any discharge with a hint of blood present in it should be discussed with the attending physician. Sometimes, as we wrote above, blood may appear due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa becomes more susceptible to damage. However, in this case, the discharge is usually light pink. Brownish discharge, especially profuse and painful, can mean serious problems, such as placental abruption.

It is accompanied, as a rule, not only by spotting or profuse bleeding, but also by pulling pain in the uterus, as well as regular contractions that “give” to the back. With such symptoms, it is better to call an ambulance.

Brown discharge during pregnancy may indicate an existing infection or injury to the vagina, a miscarriage or premature birth.

Popular questions and answers

How dangerous is stress during pregnancy and what to do if it cannot be avoided?

During pregnancy, it is generally important to remain calm and positive. But do not be nervous because you are nervous. Small disturbances will not affect the health of the child in any way, only prolonged stress can pose a danger.

It is clear that at work, and indeed in society, stress is inevitable, but a mother can learn to regulate her reaction. When you find yourself in a stressful situation, for example, during a difficult conversation with your superiors, remember to breathe, calmly inhale and exhale several times, straighten your shoulders and back, relax the muscles that always tense during stress.

When the situation of stress itself is over, close your eyes, imagine yourself in a calm place. Walk mentally on hot sand or grass cool with dew. The pleasant emotions that you experience at this moment are transmitted to the baby. It is good to dive into such fantasies before going to bed, then it will be calm and deep.

Why do pregnant women develop varicose veins and how to avoid it?

– During pregnancy in the mother’s body, the volume of blood circulating through the veins increases and, accordingly, the blood pressure in them increases. Especially goes to the veins in the legs. In addition, an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone can weaken the walls of blood vessels. All this provokes varicose veins. To help you get through 9 months without consequences, avoid static states. Don’t sit or stand for long periods of time. If there is a tendency to varicose veins, visit the pool, practice contrasting douches. In the evening, lie down for 10-15 minutes, raising your legs 45 degrees up. Talk to your doctor about whether you should wear compression stockings.

If you already have varicose veins, then avoid baths, do not lie in a hot bath for a long time, replace tight trousers and boots with something more spacious and try to sit cross-legged less often.

How to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

– Hemorrhoids really often bother women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Mom cannot influence some of the reasons for its development, but completely others. For example, often pregnant women experience constipation due to exposure to the hormone progesterone. It is necessary to reduce the possibility of constipation to a minimum. Drink plenty of fluids and include fiber-rich foods in your diet. After each trip to the toilet, be sure to wash yourself with cool water, and forget toilet paper.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sexual life during a normal pregnancy only contributes to the establishment of strong relationships between parents, which will be necessary for the unborn baby.

Of course, sexual desire can either disappear or arise. True, in the second trimester it is more or less stable, so there are no barriers to comfort.

It should be noted that sexual activity during pregnancy is contraindicated in a number of cases:

• if there are signs of a threatened miscarriage or premature birth (drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, bloody discharge, prolonged uterine tone);

• with low placentation or placenta previa;

• if there are stitches on the cervix or an obstetric pessary.

What to do if the temperature rises?

At the 15th week of pregnancy from conception, the health of the unborn baby is protected by its own immunity. If in the first months of pregnancy, almost any illness of the mother could provoke complications for the baby, now he is protected by his immune system. Although, of course, it’s not worth it for mom to get sick in the second trimester.

Light temperatures, even up to 38,5 degrees, most likely will not harm your baby. If you tolerate it normally, then give your body the opportunity to cope with a cold on its own. Doctors advise to bring down the fever only as a last resort.

Instead, it is better to sleep more, because during sleep, the immune system works with greater force. During wakefulness, drink more liquids, fruit drinks, water.

What to do if it pulls the lower abdomen?

Such sensations during pregnancy are not uncommon. The ligaments are stretched, and the uterus comes into tone after physical exertion. Doctors advise to start to stop worrying, lie down and calm down, breathe deeply.

If this does not help, and you feel that the uterus has become like a stone, it is better to contact an ambulance.

How to eat right?

The taste preferences of pregnant women sometimes change greatly, what seemed to be loved and familiar, suddenly begins to cause disgust. It is assumed that this is due to a deficiency of nutrients, due to hormonal disruptions, physiology and emotions. Experts recommend listening to your desires during this period. For example, if you are craving salty, it means that your body is losing fluid and wants to retain it. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt, its excess will lead to swelling.

If you are craving sweets, then try to minimize stress, mental or nervous strain.

If you want to taste chalk – pay attention to foods rich in vitamin D and calcium.

For a while, exclude smoked meat and fish, sausage, ham, canned food and pickled mushrooms from the diet.

Avoid fast carbohydrates like sweets and sweet fruits. If you want, then eat them in the morning. Don’t try to eat only vegetables. They are, of course, rich in fiber, but its excess can provoke bloating.

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