15 food facts that will make you go on a diet

Some foods can only be eaten with your eyes closed. Otherwise it can become disgusting.

“Sausage is made from toilet paper” is a common expression that has nothing to do with reality. But even the most natural products can be sickening if you know a little more about them than what is written on the label. We have collected several facts that are quite capable of making impressionable persons reconsider their views on their diet.

Salami is technically raw meat… The correct salami sausage does not undergo heat treatment. It is not for nothing that it is called raw smoked. In the production of salami, beneficial bacteria are added to the meat, which lower the pH. Thanks to this, harmful bacteria such as Listeria and Escherichia coli die – and the meat becomes safe, you will no longer be poisoned by them. And a fungus grows on the shell of the salami, which protects the sausage from excessive drying.

Chocolate contains insect chitin… Forgive us, sweet lovers, but this is a fact: in fact, there is no allergy to chocolate as such. It is the protein contained in chitin that causes the reaction. Insects love to nest in cocoa bean warehouses. Of course, no one will sort them out before cooking. Everything will go into production. By the way, there are about eight insect legs in one medium chocolate bar.

There is cow feces in the milk… This is absolutely inevitable and technically acceptable. No matter how cleanly the udder is washed before milking, there can always be some incident. And there is always the possibility that the device itself was not washed very thoroughly.

The most expensive coffee is the one that the lemur ate first… Then the coffee beans came out naturally, they were harvested, at the very least, washed, fried and sold for big money. Kopi luwak – this is the name of this type of coffee, after the name of the animal that makes it fabulously expensive.

Honey contains deadly bacteria… Not anyone, don’t be alarmed. Store-bought honey is pasteurized, so nothing harmful remains in it. However, raw unripe honey may contain botulism spores. Botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful poisons in the world. That is why honey is not advised to be given to children under one year old. And then with caution – it can cause allergies.

Peanut Butter Has Rodent Hair… And also – fragments of insects. This is because both of them love nuts. Of course, no one will sort out peanuts with Cinderella’s fanaticism – they will go to processing directly with wool and beetles.

Raisins may contain fruit fly eggs… Moreover, in America this is quite acceptable with food regulations: for a pound of raisins, there can be 35 eggs of a fruit fly and a dozen adults. So do not forget to scald the raisins with boiling water before adding them to the dough.

Casu Marzu cheese contains live larvae… Is this even legal? Not especially, but they will not stop making cheese from this and eating at their own peril and risk. This delicacy is made in Sicily, served directly with live larvae, which can also jump out of the cheese in your face. Therefore, it is advised to cover your eyes when eating Kasu Marz. It costs at least 50 euros per kilo, and in Russia, unfortunately (or fortunately), you cannot buy it.

Meat and sausage in grocery stores wipe with water and bleach – so that stale food looks fresh. Not in all, of course, but it happens. When sausages, especially cooked ones, sit on the counter for too long, they become covered with a sticky film. So they wash it with a rag – one for the entire counter. Yes, and the counter itself is wiped with it.

Red food coloring carmine is obtained from ground beetles… This is always indicated on the label: E120 additive – it is. They add it everywhere: both in baked goods and in ice cream. And in cosmetology, bugs have found their application. In particular, in lipstick.

Canned pineapples can contain up to 2 percent mold… And this is just absolutely legal. By the way, there can be ten times more mold in tomato paste, and this is also permissible.

The shrimp diet consists of garbage and fell. Yes, the favorite delicacy prefers to eat different waste: half-rotten algae, the remains of dead snails, fish and other animals. They can feast on insects or leaves of fleshy underwater plants.

The only edible part of the sea urchin is the gonads.… Sex glands. And this is bad news for lovers of Japanese cuisine: you eat sushi with them, with gonads. Sea urchin caviar is also edible, but it is not difficult to distinguish it.

10 grams of dried oregano can contain up to 1250 insect fragments… They are very small, don’t worry. But now you know about it. You may be sorry.

As part of store sausages there can be not only soy protein and starch, but also skins, carrageenan, fragments of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of animals. The muscle tissue in sausages is usually no more than 50 percent. And it is far from the fact that all this is quality meat.

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