Losing weight up to 5 kg in 10 days.
The average daily calorie content is 1200 Kcal.
1200 calories is a very effective weight loss method. With a well-designed menu, it allows you to lose weight without bringing the body into a stressful state. Do you want to lose about one kilogram (or more) per week and be free to choose the products you use? Then this particular diet will be your lifeline on the way to the physical shape of your dreams. And if the weight initially significantly exceeds the norm, then the process of losing weight will surely go even faster.
1200 calorie diet requirements
As you understand from the name of this technique, you will need to consume about 1200 calories daily to lose weight. There are a great many calorie tables on the net. Many indicate the nutritional value of not only a certain product, but even a whole dish. Print them yourself, and go!
Why exactly this figure? This amount of calories, according to the conclusions of many reputable nutritionists, is enough to lose weight and at the same time not interfere with the body’s normal functioning. You will not scare the body with sharp restrictions, after which, as you know, the body, on the contrary, assuming the onset of hunger times, with any excess in food, tries to accumulate new kilograms for a rainy day.
A lower decrease in caloric intake for a rather long time period can lead to inhibition of metabolism and the processing of muscle tissue. The body in this case simply lacks energy and tries to get it from wherever possible.
You can eat any food on a 1200 calorie diet. But, of course, you need to base your diet on healthy, low-calorie foods. If you want to eat your favorite sweetness, allow yourself a small amount.
Make the menu in such a way that the body can be saturated with the substances it needs for normal functioning, which it draws from food. Losing weight by eating, for example, some sweets, will probably also succeed, but this tactic has every chance of leading the body to a lack of useful elements and, as a result, provoking a malfunction in its work. Ideally, sitting on a 1200 calorie diet, you need to plan your diet so that slow carbohydrates in the daily menu are about 55%, healthy proteins – 15%, and 30% – fat. Moreover, the overwhelming advantage of fats should be of vegetable origin, while there are quite a few animals – 3-5%.
It is advisable to eat fractionally. This will help not only keep metabolic processes active, but also avoid a strong feeling of hunger. As for the duration of the 1200 calorie diet, experts do not recommend sitting on so many energy units for more than 30 days.
Be sure, in addition to drinks at your discretion (unsweetened tea and coffee are allowed to drink in any quantity), you should drink up to 2 liters of clean water daily.
When you exit this food system, you should very gradually increase the calorie intake. It is advisable not to increase the number of daily calories by more than 150-200 units every couple of days. Better yet, do it every week and monitor your weight, after calculating your calorie intake, which cannot be exceeded. It is also important to note that to minimize the risk of regaining the pounds lost through dietary efforts, it is better to introduce new calories by adding meals consisting of lean proteins and long-release carbohydrates (rather than sweets, muffins, sugar-containing drinks, etc.) .).
Sample Diet on a 1200 calorie diet for 10 days
1 day
Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, thinly spread with butter, with slices of low-fat hard cheese and ham; a portion of carrot and cabbage salad sprinkled with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
Snack: tea or coffee with milk with honey or sugar (the first option is preferable).
Lunch: up to 100 g of boiled or baked chicken meat; a few potatoes, which can be seasoned with a couple of drops of vegetable oil; green tea.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt without additives or kefir.
Dinner: about 200 g of baked fish; salad consisting of white cabbage, various greens, cucumber, flavored with lemon juice.
2 day
Breakfast: 1 chicken egg, boiled or fried without oil; a slice of rye bread; tomato; Tea coffee.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a portion of low-fat chicken broth with herbs; cucumber-cabbage salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: green tea with lemon and a little natural honey.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast up to 150 g.
3 day
Breakfast: a small bun (up to 100 g) with your favorite filling; Orange juice.
Snack: green tea with honey.
Lunch: a small piece of fish fillet boiled or baked in the company of lettuce leaves and various herbs, seasoned with olive oil and balsamic sauce.
Afternoon snack: baked apple.
Dinner: about 100 g of boiled beef liver and 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat cooked in water.
4 day
Breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt with honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal (or sugar-free muesli); tea.
Snack: orange or 2-3 tangerines.
Lunch: a couple of tablespoons of boiled rice and a serving of cucumber-tomato salad.
Afternoon snack: tea or coffee and a couple of slices of low-fat hard cheese (or about 100-120 g of low-fat cottage cheese).
Dinner: low-fat boiled sausage; 1 tbsp. l. green peas and the same amount of buckwheat or other porridge at your discretion.
5 day
Breakfast: an omelet of two eggs with herbs; Tea coffee.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: a slice of boiled fish and a few tablespoons of grated carrot and cabbage salad sprinkled with balsamic sauce.
Afternoon snack: a small handful of dried apricots plus tea.
Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice and vegetable oil.
6 day
Breakfast: toast, greased with thinly butter; a cup of tea.
Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.
Lunch: 2 tbsp. l. your favorite porridge and up to 100 g of boiled or baked chicken breast; tea or coffee.
Afternoon snack: about 150 ml of natural yoghurt without additives.
Dinner: carrots and lettuce, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice; about 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese; tea.
7 day
Breakfast: a bowl of millet porridge with a handful of your favorite berries; Tea coffee.
Snack: large peach.
Lunch: a plate of vegetarian pickle; a few tablespoons of bell pepper salad, white cabbage and various greens, sprinkled with vegetable oil; tea.
Afternoon snack: a glass of fat-free kefir.
Dinner: a slice (up to 80 g) of chicken fillet, baked or steamed; some stewed cabbage and tea.
8 day
Breakfast: rice porridge boiled in water; a slice of hard cheese and a small slice of whole grain or rye bread; tea or coffee with milk.
Snack: pear.
Lunch: sorrel-based cabbage soup (2 small ladles); up to 100 g of boiled fish fillet; cucumber and tomato; a glass of unsweetened compote.
Afternoon snack: kefir or natural yogurt without additives (up to 200 ml).
Dinner: a few tablespoons of hard pasta, seasoned with a handful of shabby hard cheese; arugula and lettuce, flavored with a couple of drops of olive oil.
9 day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs from two chicken eggs; a slice of rye bread; 100 g of vegetable salad and a cup of cocoa.
Snack: up to 200 g of lettuce (its components: canned corn, fresh tomatoes, white cabbage); half a glass of natural yogurt and tangerine.
Lunch: a bowl of beetroot, to which you can add some potatoes; a couple of cabbage rolls and non-starchy vegetables (up to 200 g) according to your taste; tea or coffee.
Safe, an apple.
Dinner: up to 150 g of boiled or baked fish fillet; a slice of rye bread and citrus for dessert.
10 day
Breakfast: 2 slices of rye bread (one can be eaten with jam or jam, and the second with a thin slice of ham or lean meat); 150 g of cucumber and tomato salad with olive oil; a cup of cocoa.
Snack: about 150 ml of low fat kefir with the addition of a tablespoon of oat bran.
Lunch: a portion of low-fat potato-based soup with the addition of other non-starchy vegetables; 100 g baked turkey; up to 200 g of apple-celery-carrot salad; 250 ml of low-fat milk.
Afternoon snack: 1 kiwi and about 200 ml of homemade unsweetened yogurt.
Dinner: 2 medium potatoes, cooked in their uniforms; fresh tomato; a glass of fat-free or 1% kefir.
Contraindications to the 1200 calorie diet
- As such, the 1200 calorie diet has no contraindications, since there are no strict prohibitions in it that can significantly negatively impact the state of the body. You just need to make a menu, choose products, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the body.
- True, in its pure form, this diet is not recommended for pregnant women, during breastfeeding, adolescents. In these cases, the body requires more energy units than recommended by the technique. If you belong to any of these categories, before you start eating according to the rules of the method, contact your doctor to determine the amount of energy you need directly. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the state of the body to draw up a menu that will help not only lose weight, but also not harm health, which is now especially important.
- Also, a higher calorie corridor should be adhered to by those who play sports. When you burn copious amounts of calories due to physical activity, you may experience weakness.
- Living by the rules of the 1200 calorie method for a long time can be difficult and harmful for the body. Muscle tissue may be affected.
Benefits of the 1200 Calorie Diet
Let’s highlight the main advantages of the 1200 calorie diet:
- You can eat any food at any time of the day.
- There is no need to give up your favorite food.
- A person can live a full-fledged active life without feeling irritability, fatigue, weakness and other delights that are characteristic of many nutritional methods, the rules of which provide for more stringent restrictions.
- The body does not lack the necessary components. The main thing is not to exceed the maximum allowed dietary period.
- Losing weight, as a rule, goes away without an acute feeling of hunger.
Disadvantages of the 1200 calorie diet
- Perhaps the weighty, tangible for many, disadvantage of the 1200 calorie diet is the need to constantly check the calorie tables. This can be especially difficult when using dishes with many ingredients. If you frequently evaluate products by eye, the result of following the rules of this method may not be as noticeable. So you risk making mistakes and underestimating the food.
- Also, a 1200 calorie diet may not be suitable for people who strive to lose weight very quickly and want to lose, say, 6-7 kilograms in just a week. When calculating calories, with initially not very large overweight, it is likely that you will lose so many kilograms over the entire diet period, that is, in a month.
Re-dieting 1200 calories
If you want to lose weight further on the same diet, you can do this. But after, at least, a month’s break from the day the diet ended. During a dietary break, you need to eat a lot of calories, which does not mean overeating at all (on the contrary, try to avoid this). By following the rules of a sensible diet and not exceeding the recommended calorie intake, it is likely that you will be able to transform your body a little more when you are not on a diet.