Tae Bo Billy’s half the blank is loved by many due to its effectiveness, availability and low udarnoi. Cardio workout based on the elements of martial arts and aerobics will help you burn calories and tighten the body. Program tai-Bo suitable for both beginners and advanced, and a large variety of videos will help everyone to find the optimal set.
Since the scope of youtube-training is becoming more popular and in demand, Billy Blanks also decided to develop their online channel. Every week American champion martial arts is releasing a new video, which include both a full training program, and short videos. Despite his age (Billy half the blank was turned 61), a famous coach is in great shape and never ceases to motivate people into regular sport.
Suggest you try the fresh video Billy half the blank with his youtube channel. Your choice of a selection of programs: workout without equipment, with dumbbells, with the use of additional equipment and short classes for problem areas.
Workout from Billy’s half the blank without stock
1. Tae Bo Advanced Next Generation Workout (30 minutes)
This exercise takes place at a high pace and includes traditional movements of aerobics, plyometric and martial arts. The program uses simple chords, mainly activity aimed at weight loss and maintaining a heart rate in the aerobic zone. Short plyometric segments will add load to the hips and buttocks. Suitable for intermediate level and above.
2. Tae Bo Advanced Burnout (30 minutes)
This is a classic training style tai-Bo at a high tempo with the energizing load on the upper and lower body. Unlike the previous program of plyometric won’t be here for the thighs and glutes Billy Blanks offers a variety of kicks. This will help burn calories and strengthen muscles in problem areas. Shoulder girdle and muscular system also works actively throughout the program.
3. Tae Bo Rough and Tough (60 minutes)
If you have time, you can safely take hour program Rough and Tough. Through this lesson, you will not only burn calories, but well tighten leg muscles, buttocks and belly. After 20 minutes of cardio, you will find a 10-minute segment on the floor for feet. Then you will continue to work on fat burning in more high tempo and complete the training exercises on the floor for belly.
Workout from Billy’s half the blank with dumbbells
4. Tae Bo Extreme workout (30 minutes)
This is the cardio workout with dumbbells, which takes place in an interval pace. Over the past 30 minutes you will burn calories and work on problem areas. Especially heavy load will get arms and shoulders, because during the classes you will hold the extra weight. Dumbbells can take a small weight of 1 kg.
5. Tae Bo Advanced Workout Full (28 minute)
Another workout from Billy half the blank with dumbbells, but for the more experienced student. In this program you are waiting for high speed and more varied exercises. The work included both the lower and upper body. For classes also better to give preference to dumbbells small weight.
Short workout with Billy half the blank
If you have not much time to practice, then try a short video with Billy half the blank for burning calories and fat, as well as targeting specific problem areas. Such programs can Supplement their basic training, to run in the mornings or those days when you’re short on time to class.
Two intense workout, Tae Bo Billy half the blank: Bootcamp Shred and Insanity Max
6. Tae Bo Booty (15 minutes)
In this 15-minute period are collected effective butt exercises: squats, kicks, diagonal lunges, leg lifts on all fours. Billy Blanks offers a pulsating type of exercise that will give additional load to the muscles of the buttocks. For one of the exercises you will need a step platform or bench.
7. Tae Bo Butt & Lower Body (10 minutes)
Short program for the lower body without additional equipment. In the first half you are waiting for the squats and kicks in the second half coach offers exercises on all fours for the hips and buttocks. Training is simple and suitable for everyone. Advanced can easily make it more difficult for themselves – it is enough to use ankle weights.
8. Tae Bo Ab Burner (10 minutes)
Exercise for the abdominal muscles with a dumbbell or plate from the rod. A large part of the exercise is performed standing on the floor are only the last 3 minutes. Quite original, traditional crunches will only one exercise.
9. Tae Bo 1 on 1 Cardio Burn (10 minutes)
Short workout with emphasis on the problem areas – thighs, buttocks and belly. In the program the girl that shows exercises that use the medicine balls and barbell, but you can only use dumbbells. Billy Blanks offers functional and strength training, but due to the fast pace, exercise can be very gyrosigma.
Workout from Billy’s half the blank with other equipment
10. Tae Bo Body Shape (30 minutes)
In this program Billy half the blank used dumbbells and step platform. Exercise is the interval pace you need aerobic exercise to burn fat (as from plyometric and Tae-Bo) and strength exercises with quick repetitions for muscle tone.
11. Tae Bo 1 on 1 with Melina (30 minutes)
For this exercise you will need a jump rope, dumbbells, step platform, a bar. However, it will be enough to have at least dumbbells and the platform. Billy Blanks teaches classes not in the group, and with his ward, which demonstrates the correct technique of the exercise. The program includes traditional strength and aerobic exercises, as well as segments of Tae-Bo.
12. Tae Bo Flex: Learn the Moves (30 minutes)
Aerobic-strength training with a barbell. You will perform exercise with a small weight (even with a blank fretboard), but at a very fast pace. Despite the use of weights, the training is designed primarily for burning fat.
Varied and very effective workout from Billy’s half the blank will help you lose weight, increase explosive muscle strength and tone the body. Classes are held almost without an intense shock, however, this will not prevent you to achieve the desired result in a short time.
See also: Core De Force program from Beachbody based on mixed martial arts.
Without stock, For weight loss, Cardio workout